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Posts posted by ozdo_akin

  1. <p>Thanks everyone, it was really helpful. Though it did not make my decision making easier as everybody has their own favorites and from what I can see with very good results.<br>

    In terms of quality I totally agree my museum photos are not high quality but for me I guess the subjects make it worth printing and hanging (and of course knowing that I took that picture makes it more special). <br>

    I think I will go to a local shop and try the 16-85,and 18-200 vr (if it is in stock)...<br>

    Thanks again<br>



  2. <p>Hi,<br>

    My question is about taking pictures in museums (which basically means no flash, no tri/monpod and variable lighting). My subjects are mostly 3-D and size vary from couple of inches to overlife size statues. I use the pictures mainly to study the items later in full size (on screen), and sometimes make some prints to hang on my wall.<br>

    I tried Sigma 30 f1.4 and Nikon 50 f1.8 (on a D90), and found out that they don't have enough DOF. So I cranked up the ISO but now the noise is really annoying. So now looking at the VR lenses and thinking about 18-55 VR, 16-85 VR (and why not 18-200 VR)? Also sigma 18-50 2.8 OS?<br>

    Any suggestions, there many reviews on the internet but I could not find any that talks about low light situations? Of course cost is an issue so I would be very happy if 18-55 would do the job but if necessary I would pay the extra $$$ for significant performance difference.<br>

    My main concern is 5.6 being too slow, so also considering sigma, but not sure about how well OS works compared to VR.<br>

    All suggestions and comments will be more than welcome<br>

    thanks in advance...<br>


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