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Posts posted by tj_krusinski

  1. <p>You could rent a fluid head tripod and rotate the camera 90 degrees and then normal tilting will dutch the camera. Since fluid heads have counter balance systems, when you tilt (in this case dutch) the camera, it won't continue to fall and will stay in it's position. This however is not in line with the axis of the lens. You could also do the same thing with a Wimberly style head, depending on how tall the camera is, it will stay on axis with the lens. Wimberly head's can be rented from lens rentals.com </p>
  2. <p>As it stands, 1/400 is a fast shutter speed for a leaf shutter. 1/500 would be pushing it, I believe this could be why they made it 1/400. I have heard that 1/400 is not very accurate, some lenses are a bit slower and some are a bit faster. Under normal use, there isn't really any need to be using 1/400 (seeing as the RB is a studio camera). If you are using the camera under bright sun, just use slower film or stop down. </p>
  3. <p>As it stands, 1/400 is a fast shutter speed for a leaf shutter. 1/500 would be pushing it, I believe this could be why they made it 1/400. I have heard that 1/400 is not very accurate, some lenses are a bit slower and some are a bit faster. Under normal use, there isn't really any need to be using 1/400 (seeing as the RB is a studio camera). If you are using the camera under bright sun, just use slower film or stop down. </p>
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