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Posts posted by adam_bliss

  1. <p>From what I remember of the EPL-1 and the shots of it on the Oly website you have to go into the menu to adjust those settings. I would take a look at the E-P2 for easy of use, it's not much bigger and on the dial on the back of the camera you can change ISO and when you set to manual mode you can change aperture and shutter speed via the dials on camera, no need to wade through the menu.<br>

    Good luck<br>



  2. <p>I do not own EPL-1 so please take my recommendation with a grain of salt but the E-P2 has been a great camera for me and if I were buying today I would still get the E-P2 over the E-PL1. The EPL-1 felt much more plastic in my hand then did the E-P2 also the size of the cameras although not too much different the slight increase in the E-P2's size did allow me to control the camera easier when holding it up to my face for a shot. Like I said however I don't own the E-PL1 so I was only able to use in store and should be taken with a grain of salt. I would also say that the EVF is a great buy and something you will want so plan on spending the extra $250 if you do go with the EPL.<br>

    Good Luck <br>



  3. <p>They are all right that you will have a hard time with the aperture ring but it's not all bad, you just have to get creative when thinking about your shots. I've found that as long as I'm going out for specific shots like street shooting or portraits where you want small depth of field Canon lenses work great. That's also a great tip about the DOF preview button I'll have to give that a shot.</p>

    <p>I've written a few articles on adapters for the E-P2, hope it's ok to share here.....<br>



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