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Image Comments posted by patrick_davitt



    I like this shot! It's cool to see different objects made the focus of a "portrait" -- was this a bride?


    I thought a smaller aperture for more DoF could have helped keep all the skin in focus; as it is, her left-side hand is sharp but the right-side is soft. Might also have ameliorated the blowout on the right.


    Maybe a bit of light from below could have helped (and is that a wedding ring on the right hand? Was the photo flopped?)



  1. Nice shot -- I like the complementary color of the blue carpet bisecting the magenta of the main pattern.


    I wonder if you have other shots from different angles and crops -- the diagonal forces us to look out past the end of the rows to those relatively ordinary doors at the far end. What might it look like more straight-on the center of the three rows, and cropped to exclude the tiles and doors beyond? That would focus the eye on the relentless precision of the tables.


    It reminds me of the great tracking shot in Scorsese's "The Age of Innocence," when he runs the camera overhead along the long axis of a formal dining room, showing the repetitive precision of the place settings. Do you have any high-angle shots or overheads?



    I love this shot. It's gallery quality (if it prints well; you never know!). I love how the vertical black line on the mic points up at the singe, and the soft directional light creates that lovely shadow on the right side of her face while softly lighting the left and getting the beautiful texture of the lipstick.


    What I'm not crazy about is her out-of-focus knobby-looking knuckles and that slightly hot gnarly pinky fingernail pulls your eye outward, away from center. There's a weird little highlight -- maybe a metal fixture or zipper tab -- down from her right shoulder. And I wonder if you could slightly dodge the leather to get some highlights.

    The Eyes Have It


    I wonder if you tried a crop to excise the nearly in-focus foliage at the bottom, especially that one distracting sprig in lower right.My eye kept jumping down that way.


    Also, if you title this as you have-- to enter in competitions or gallery -- remember that the plural of "eye" is "eyes," not "eye's."

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