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Posts posted by douwg

  1. <p>Thanks for all the kind words of advice - it has really helped. And guess what, today we had another bride asking us for more photos! So we are now looking at it positively and we offer them the additional images at a fee and don't make a big fuss about it :)<br>

    However, one common thread that has come through with these two brides is that it seems like they are feeling like they are being disempowered because they didn't choose their allotted amount of images. "They're paying for the photos so they should be able to choose their images". Typically we choose the images we think are the best and supply the amount contracted for.<br>

    So, now we are going to change our strategy slightly... for example<br>

    If a customer is supposed to receive 250 images we are going to do color correction, crop, basic sharpening and noise reduction for between 350 and 400 images (This is fairly quick in LR3) We will then have a proofing session with the customer where THEY can then choose their 250 images and those images will then be edited further with effects, blemish removal etc where necessary. If they want more than their allotted amount of the photos presented during the proofing session we will quote them a price per image.<br>

    What do you guys think?<br>


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  2. <p>Thanks for the response Nadine. Helpful as usual :) We could not determine what she was actually looking for so we recommended a compromise by telling her that we will show her a hundred extra pics of which she could then choose 50 at no extra charge. <br>

    No reply...<br>

    As my OP says, we supplied 377 pics instead of the agreed 300 so we already over delivered in our opinion. Also those 377 pics were delivered over two weeks ago and now this request comes up? Strange. <br>

    Oh well I guess we are gonna come across these kind of scenarios in this profession. :)</p>

    <p>Thanks All</p>

    <p> </p>

  3. <p>Thanks for the quick replies, as I said we don't have a problem supplying the extra 100 images, but we are not going to show RAW unedited images.<br>

    Luis, we basically did what you suggested and negotiated this contractually. Will keep you all posted on the outcome of this.<br>



  4. <p>Hi all,<br>

    Been a while since I posted but check in on the forum weekly :)<br>

    My wife and I (she is the main photographer, I assist and carry bags :)) shot a wedding a couple of weeks ago.<br>

    The agreement that was accepted by the bride was that she would receive <strong>300 edited photos</strong> for the package that she chose. At the end of the day we actually delivered 377 photos. We usually do this, giving the bride a little more than what she paid for.<br>

    Now the bride is saying that she wants another 100 photos. She is willing to pay for them and we do have another 100 photo's to give her ( we usually get between 400 and 500 good pics on a wedding), however our concern is that as part of her request she is saying that she wants to choose from our RAW images and then we must edited those for her.<br>

    My wife has already edited approx 500 photo's that she feels of high enough quality to present to the customer. Our concern is where does this stop. Next thing she is going to ask us for all the photo's taken on the day. We feel strongly about the point that we will be able to let her choose from a further 150 or so images that we feel is of high enough quality to present to her.<br>

    Any suggestions on how we deal with this?<br>


    <p> </p>

  5. <p>Thanks to all of you for the VERY informative critique - I was quite surprised to see my photo selected!!! <br>

    I had to shoot the entire wedding with a 50mm prime as my wife had the zoom at another wedding which made it even more challenging - zooming the entire day with your feet is not the easiest thing to do. My saving grace was that I was the second shooter so my continuous moving forwards and backwards wasn't too distracting.<br>

    I will particularly remember the comments around going to low on on the F-stop for these type's of shots in the future.<br>

    Once again thanks for the critique and compliments - it has really been encouraging</p>

  6. <p>I will have to sit and digest some of the very informative answers given here...<br>

    Eric, you said you don't give hi-res images - so could it work then for us to supply 1024x768 JPG on disc - ie the best they can do is to print jumbo's themselves? Ie. if they want enlargements etc they will have to come to us? Am I understanding you correctly?<br>

    To some of the other responses - it just feels so clinical and without soul to give the couple only a CD after the event - we fear that it gets put in the cupboard and forgotten after a year unlike prints in an album that get looked at least once in a while - doesn't the saying that a photograph is not a photograph until it's printed hold true? We feel that the true value of what we did on the day can only really be appreciated once the images are printed and framed or put into an album.<br>

    To summarize - do you guys and girls think it could work for us to supply 1024x768 (92dpi) JPG's on CD by default on our entry level package and have a web gallery of the images where people can then order standard prints and various enlargements? This entry level package would obviously start at x amount of images with the highest consisting of y amount of images.<br>

    Jessica and Katrin, thanks for your input - has definitely given me some other ideas. I really like the option of offering family and friends the option of ordering prints directly from us instead of the bride worrying about that.<br>


    ie. the equation now looks like this: Photographers Fee + Editing (amount of images) = X<br>

    Also bear in mind that we are thinking of covering the weddings for up to a max of 8 hours irrespective of the package chosen then. Ie depending on the package chosen - our editing time will be less or more affecting the package price.<br>

    Then after the couple deciding on the base package we sell them an album and other merchandise.<br>

    I'd appreciate some input to this last reply :) I am probably pushing my luck now.<br>


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  7. <p>The structure we are now looking at is as follows:<br>

    Photography Fee + editing = x. This is our baseline charge to photograph your wedding. Then you basically build your own package from there-on by selecting the number of prints, what album etc etc. you want. However you cannot get the images on CD on their own - we only supply the images digitally that you have printed.<br>

    Does this sound like a sound strategy?</p>

  8. <p>That reply has got me thinking - I smell something burning :)<br>

    Seriously though... By not offering it we may loose business, but on the other hand we may be able to control the quality of our prints out there as well as being able to make some margin on the prints.<br>

    The question was raised because we absolutely felt that there was no value in just providing a CD with the edited images and only a couple of prints.<br>

    So would you agree that we have it right now by insisting on the customer ordering prints/album in order to gain access to the digital copies of the images?<br>



  9. <p>Hi all,<br>

    First post on the forum. I have been reading the posts on the site for the last couple of days. Some really valuable information to be found here - it is so nice that people are willing to share!<br>

    Anyway... My wife is actually the tog - I am the gaffer and technical advisor in our team. :) She has a partner who is the second photographer on all of the shoots she gets and vice versa if he gets the shoot. They have been shooting professionally for about a year now.<br>

    So... there is a debate raging between the three of us - we have decided after many iterations of wedding packages that we will not ever supply only digital images on CD in a package - the customer must take prints, an album etc. in order to gain access to the digital copies. ie. what is ordered as prints or in the album they get as digital copies.<br>

    Now the question is... should we in fact be giving the customer the digital copies or should they come to us for prints whenever they need them? The argument obviously is that this maintains quality in the prints and prevents them from printing the images on a home inkjet etc. but at the same time could become a bit of a logistical nightmare to manage.<br>

    The market in SA currently dictates that the customer gets the digital copies on CD so this is the general expectation. But we don't just want to follow the crowds - we want to have a sustainable business.<br>

    Any guidance on this subject would be much appreciated so what are your opinions on this subject?</p>



    Johannesburg, SA</p>

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