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Posts posted by fpessolano

  1. The camera is 10 months old, with still more than a year of warranty (in EU).

    It comes with quite few extra bits:


    - Fuji X-t20 with screen protector

    - lensmate thumb rest

    - generic shutter cap

    - Fuji Leather case BLC-XT10

    - Trascent 128Gb SD 90Mb/s 600x

    - Fuji Hand Grip MHG-XT10


    Contact me for photos, everything is as new!



  2. <p>I did some dance event last week .... the d700 with the 70-200 made a huge difference. And do not be afraid of using iso3200 and iso4000. Results are still good (after some Topaz Dfine 5) and better than nothing (and way better then what you would get otherwise).</p>
  3. <p>Since difference in Optical quality is there but almost not visible even to trained eyes, choose basing yourself on the only real tangible differences:<br>

    Zeiss takes fiters and is smaller, but it is manual focus.<br>

    Nikon can go more and less wide, but it takes no filters.<br>

    The rest is more or less equal.<br>

    I opted for the Nikon in the end because I also took the 24/1.4, but that does not need to apply to you.</p>

  4. <p>Lex - I think I am moving to critique only. I honestly do not mind low rating but with an explanation. Otherwise what is the point.<br>

    I myself now tend to leave comments and often not even rate. I actually like Bob´s suggestion of only like, dislike, indifferent.</p>

  5. <p>I would be happy with just adding an third option as if rating with comment only. It is now so normal that anything people posts gets a 3-3 or a 4-4 as one of the first 3 rates. Honestly, this automatic low rating on every photo just posted is forcing me to think to either do critique only or simply call PN a failed trial.<br>

    I also hate people rating low photos that are misplaced. Just leave a comment and say so! Sometimes is a mistake, sometimes there is no category that fits, etc. If you want to help and give 3 to a great photo just because it is in the wrong category, well ... you are part of the problem.</p>

  6. <p>Radu - thanks. This was the first time I used a 24mm in such a setting ... since normally my family, who picks the spots, went not for corners!<br /> <br /> Peter - Thanks. This is not an HDR ... the trick here is rather simple ... I used a polarizer!<br>

    Emilie - Thanks</p>

  7. <p>A 120-300/2.8VR FX would be great. I would dump my 70-200 in a second for it.<br>

    Maybe a new fisheye FX.<br>

    Apart from that ... since the 24 is now out, there is nothing more missing.<br>

    And only 24 and 400 missing from my collection (well, 400 will be missing forever I guess).</p>

  8. <p>I honestly do not miss filters on the 14-24. It is too wide for a polarizer, I passed the worry of scratching it, and I do not use ND filters but braketing instead. It is a special lens, but simply stunning. What I would really need to see is that the 24 is already excellent in rendering at wide apertures (1.4-3.5) so to be very useful in low light. Performance stopped down will probably not be better than the 14-24.<br>

    If this lens compares to the zoom like the 50/1.4 compares to the 50/1.8 .... not interested at this price level.</p>

  9. <p>Bjorn<br>

    Looking forward to read your comments on the 24 ... especially for who already owns the 14-24 like me. I am still debating on taking this lens or start my 2-3 years saving plan for a 400VR instead.</p>

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