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Image Comments posted by bybeephotography



    Downtown in late December. Loosely inspired by Chopin's mazurkas.

    Easy to shoot, but it was difficult to print. Still lacks the

    subtlety that I would like to achieve in this image...I think it is

    still a bit too contrasty.

  1. Enigmatic and very simple at the same time.  The gritty and grainy appearance gives the image a palpable texture and heightens the mystery of this scene.  The composition reminds me of Caponigro.



    A beautiful, dreamlike image.  The quality of light and the texture of the skin are amazing.  The subtle, compressed color palette is also working in your favor on this image...very original, compassionate image.



    A very honest, concise, skillfully captured moment on the street.  It is refreshing to see such a fleeting moment so well composed, and without the frills of studio lighting or digital post processing, displayed on this forum...very nice work!  I admire the simplicity and the excitement of this photo...thanks for showing it!!

    drain lid wet



    Nice work here...very mysterious and elegant image.  The serpentine nature of the curves and the wet glistening look of the drain cover lend it a very atmospheric look.  By the way, where did you find this type of lid?  I've never seen one quite this elaborate.

  2. Beautiful and compassionate.  I really appreciate the simplicity and honesty of the portrait you have created...a beautiful but unflinching look into the eyes of someone else.  Her skin tones and the dark depths of her eyes have been wonderfully rendered.  It is a compassionate image, but it allows the viewer enough distance to render their own emotional judgment. 



    This is a very elegant portrait.  The beauty and purity of her dress are enhanced by their juxtaposition with the aging, weathered walls and the dark, low key interior space in which the photo was taken.  Very nice choice of painting...rich with meaning.  Tastefully and classically done...good work.

    Mist and Rays


    A beautifully captured landscape image.  Elegant, dynamic, and sharp.  The fact that you used black and white to create this image gives it a simplicity and elegance that enhances its strength and appeal.  The rich detail to be found in the foliage in the background gives the image a vibrant quality that draws the viewer in for a closer study of the beautiful shades of black, white and grey to be found in the area on the right.  This shoot must have been a very rewarding experience.



    This is a beautifully arrested moment  in the life of a city street.  There is an interesting interplay between the static geometry of the architecture and the movement and posturing of the people in the foreground.  The couple just below the "liquors" sign are particularly interesting as they are about to step towards the camera.  The diagonals created by the fire escapes add a slightly dynamic element to the rectangular nature of the buildings and windows...I would love to see other shots taken from the same vantage point on different days, with different people and in different weather.  You could create a small portfolio just by documenting this particular block.  Good work!


    Very nicely composed image, with skillful use of the ambient light and color. I like the subtle nature of the light, and the repetition of the clay pot form behind the workers is a very strong design element. Nice work!


    I really like the candor of this image. Very direct and unpretentious. The quality of the light is also very pleasing, displaying a beautiful warm tonality and something resembling the grain structure of color film. A very inviting image that seems to radiate a glow of softness and warmth. The skin tones in this image are extremely spot on...good work.

    NYC2 407

    A very honest looking image...the snowflakes in the air and the lens flare and low angle all combine to give this image a gritty integrity and a slightly voyeuristic look. It reminds me of something by Sylvia Plachy. Personally, I like the flare and the soft focus...it really lends this photo authenticity. Did they know you were there?
  3. Color definitely works here...the off shade of red on the door is really nice, as well as the red of the window frame and the nearly matching red of the auto parts sign. The other nice color here is the eggshell/creme color of the wall...it offsets the red in a really painterly way. And the water damage inside the window is pretty nice as well. The other thing this image has going for it is the irony...brand new, bright plastic sign above the water damaged window and the patched, cracked wall. A certain incongruity between what the sign advertises and what you see when you look in the window. Reminds me of David Plowden...good photographer if you have never seen his work. I think his website is www.davidplowden.com Something like that. This and the photo of Mack's Garage are my favorites in your portfolio.
  4. I like the symmetry and balance of this image...very appropriate for the subject. The way that you have framed it is also in keeping with the rectangular, no nonsense appearance of the structure. There is an interesting interplay here between the stenciled billboard across the top of the building and the informal, handpainted sign across the squares of the garage door...gives the image a sense of humor. This is a classic image...you don't see too many roadside buildings like this any more. Do you have any other photos like this?
  5. A very mesmerizing, intuitive image. Artistic, mysterious, and descriptive at the same time. You have captured an interesting moment and made very good use of the ambient light. The circular form created by the ring of fire is a very strong element of design, and the black silhouette of the boy is a very nice counterpoint to the light and the motion of the fire.
  6. Another good image in your portfolio...my eye is drawn in by the line of lights going down the tunnel, then stopped by the two black figures in the distance. Then I travel across the composition and am intrigued by the musician in the left half of the photo. Very good use of perspective to create visual interest. And you have caught a nice moment in which the man seems completely caught up in his playing.
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