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Posts posted by a._morg

  1. I plunked down about 300 to buy the Schneider Componon S 100mm 5.6

    lens. Does anyone have any experience with this lens? Should it give

    me much better results than the other 75mm lens (off brand) that i'm

    currently using for my 6X7 negs? By the responses from you folks, i

    figured 100mm should be an excellent choice for the 6X7 format...and

    Schneider quality (while maybe not as good as Rodagon or others),

    still speaks for itself. What do you folks think?

  2. I just assembled my 67 med. format beseler enarger. While putting it

    together, i noted there were some dust specs on the condensers (2 of

    them). When i did a test with the enlarger on and the neg. carrier in

    place, I noted specs of dust magnified on the easel (no neg. was in

    during this test). I'm using a 75mm lens/ no obvious vignetting. I

    took a blower brush and cleaned the condensers/some dust particles

    fell away. a small one remains. I suspected it may be on the lens but

    even a small spec of dust on the lens shouldn't show (i had cleaned

    the lens of course...it is used)...How can i be sure it's not dust on

    the lens surface or a defect within the lens elements???


    happy NY to everyerone.

  3. I just got a beseler 6 by 7 enlarger. It can do both 35 and 6X7. The

    guy told me i'd need to buy a different lens when enlarging 6X7

    negatives (he was right) and sold me a 75mm lens (a 50mm came w/the

    enlarger for 35mm negs). When I read the manual, beseler recommended

    75mm for 6X6 and a 90mm enlarging lens for the 6X7. Has the guy

    stiffed me? Now that i have 6X7 negs and a 75mm enlarging lens (when

    the manual rec's 90mm), what will I or what won't i be able to

    do...or doesn't it make a difference????


  4. I used to used a Besler + hand reel processing/trays for my 35mm b/w

    processing and enlarging for years. I gave it up a few years ago and

    went with a "dry" darkroom setup with an Epson Stylus 1200 printer

    and a Canoscan Fs2710 scanner. I achieved some beautiful results with

    this set up. Now since i've moved into MF (still have my 35mm stuff),

    I still want to exercise some control over my printing (excluding E6

    emulsion)/ I do not want to mess with C41. So my question is, should

    i plunk down a few hundred (or can I economically?) for a medium

    format enlarger and go back to the "wet" darkroom for my b and w . Or

    should I shoot TM400CN or IlfordXP2 and let a lab print it and get

    similar results? Finally, for C41...after I have the lab develop it,

    would it be to expensive to put 6X7's onto a ProPhotoCD so I can

    exercise control over the final print in Adobe and w/my epson stylus.

    Long question, but i'll bet this dilemma is facing some of you. Any

    input is appreciated. (by the way, i stayed away from the chromogenic

    stuff years ago because the prints sucked/it may be because they were

    being printed on regular color paper rather than b/w.

  5. I have an rz pro II system with the waist level finder which for the

    time being works very well. I'm using the camera almost 100% for

    portrait/commercial/fashion work. Occ., i'll have to tip the angle of

    view down about 30 degress to get a table top shot mounted on a

    tripod. This occ. is a pain, but works (occ light reflection in the

    view finder/change of body position, etc). Is it worth plunking down

    an additional 700-800 bucks (or whatever the cost of a new finder is)

    to get a "view" advangtage. I specify "view" advangtage because i use

    my minolta or seikonic meter for all my studio/strobe shots (i.e. i'm

    not concerned about the metering). Any comments by anyone who bought

    one and found it useful vs. not worth the investment would be





  6. I have a new rz67proII and have a question about the mamiya polaroid

    back. After i took my first exposure (with the pol. back on), I

    pulled the white tab, then the yellow tab, and pulled the first print

    out. It went fine. I then (tried to ) cock the shutter to take a

    second exposure in sequence. The orange light came one. My dark slide

    was out and i triple checked everything else. I re-cocked the film

    advance lever again thinking I hadn't done it fully (and it had a

    loose feel/play to it...not broken...but i mean that it was somehow

    already in the cocked/adv. mode)The only thought that came to my mind

    is that the body is not registering the polaroid film advance because

    it's in separate sheets. Therefore i turned the R/M knob from the

    neutral position to the M for multiple exposure. I was then able to

    cock the film adv/mirror (with the correct feel etc) and the light

    went out and i could take the shot. Something doesn't seem right.

    What am i doing wrong. It doesn't seem that when using a polaroid

    back that i should only be able to cock the shutter/raise the mirror

    with the camera in the M position. Or do i have to take a

    polaroid ,change backs to thet 120 back, fire a shot, and then re-

    attach the polaroid back. Please help. During all this time, my dark

    slide was removed and was inserted into the holder in the back of the

    polaroid. All the other switches were in the correct position. What

    is the correct sequence of events when shooting polaroids (to advance

    the film that is). The polaroids came out fine by the way.




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