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Image Comments posted by nanc1

    Haming it up


    Thank you for your comments, I was starting to worry that it was my camera acting up.

    Had another shoot this weekend and again I noticed this time a lot of it was in yellow tones because all the leaves are yellow.

    Going out to play with it tonight, will take note of the area more closely and see what happens.


    Haming it up


    I guess I should have said I know how to fix it in a program just wondering if there's a better way of shooting or setting on the camera that I should have used instead. So I don't have to keep fixing it.
    Get it right the first or second time I guess is what I'm after.
    Do you all have this problem and always fix (edit- skin tones etc... afterwards)
    I know how to fix the problem in my RAW program and PSPX4
    Oh and I use PSPX4
    This is my edited photo, just thinking and wondering if I used the wrong settings or have the colors set wrong on my camera.



    Haming it up


    Hi, can someone please help me on the color tone for this photo, why

    does it have a hint of yellow/ green for skin coloring.

    Could it be a setting on my camera? I Will try this lens (50mm 1.8 )

    on my Canon 60D and see what happens.

    What can I do to fix this problem for the future?

    This photo was shot in RAW and just converted to Jpeg (un-edited)


    Thank you




    This what I did...

     I took this shot to make a HDR photo but when it came to merging the three together they didn't line up. So I took one photo and worked on it, I use PSPX4 and I also used a Tonal Contrast, but yes as you mention the sky is way to blown out.

    Ill have to try it again with a layer to darken the sky up. I think what I did was  that I was concentrating on the windmill and car that I forgot about the sky :(


    Again Thank you:)



    Any critique is welcomed!

    I had taken this photo for HDR but I didn't bring my tripod and the

    merge didn't look good( to shaky :(

    So I used the best one and Tweaked it:)



    Great Tip Matt, I will look for a different style Texture as this one came like this and there is no way if using one line, guess I can erase the others but that would take for ever :(

    So I will keep my eyes open for different ones.




    Thank you:)

    Chris, it was a typo when I was trying to add a Caption afterwards I wanted to change it to her name but I can't seem to figure out how :( in my album

    But thanks for the comments.

    Flower Child


    My Beautiful niece, I made this hat for this shoot and her parents

    loved this.... look at those cheeks,lol

    Would like to know what other people thing,

    Please and Thanks :)

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