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Image Comments posted by 3m

    by the tracks



    Thanks for your comment, which I only see now - haven't logged in on PN in ages..
    (and not missing it much to tell you the truth :-)
    Your crop makes sense indeed, but it also alters the overall mood of the picture
    and intent I had with it....

    best to you, M



    Ditto to Carlos's comments.

    Love the fresh, kinetic energy emerging from this picture too, Wieslaw.

    Nice to see some new strong photos from you again. It has been a long time.(and now I'm not really active on this site anymore..) 

    Best wishes to you and your family, Marjolein

  1. I just saw your message, Carlos.
    (Fished it from my spam folder, then had to delete most of my PN inbox to read it)
    Just visiting PN today, and happy to see this strong picture from you.
    I hope you are surrounded by the same love and affection as emerges from these two.


  2. Thanks for posting this, Pnina.

    I saw your post last night, when you linked to it on FB.

    Moving and haunting.... 

    TzIpale and Hershale, not forgotten...


    I hope you are well, Pnina. Just noticed you have a yellow cup next to your name now :-)  

    A well deserved (& overdue) recognition here on PN.

    Best to you, M



    Sorry for only getting back to you now, Pnina -- I haven't been on PN in a while and see you left a comment a while back. My files aren't deleted, just hidden, for now... Seems I'm juggling too many balls at the moment. Keeping the PN door ajar though, not completely closing it... Hope you're keeping well! 

  3. My inactivity here on PN is a question of prioritizing ....

    Juggling a (rather hectic) household of 8, increased professional demands, and having recently started participating in a year-long photography workshop, makes taking time for lengthy comments difficult...

    And, yes, pressing the 'like button at FB is def. easier....That with additional messaging allows me to keep in touch with family, friends & fellow photographers (for the time-being).

    In addition, I find the current PN site less and less appealing...
    (quality-, user friendly-, and privacy-wise.. & the latter being important for me at this time)

    Your mentioning of a photo-group page, Fred, is a nice idea, but I wonder how it could be done on this site.  (& one of FB features that seems to currently work well, imo)

    Again, some great photographers are still going strong here nonetheless!

    (and many of them are on this page)
    So when I can, I'll keep on visiting ;-)



    Fred, Thank you for your (as always) insightful comments.
    I enjoyed reading them, and I'm sorry for not responding to you sooner.

    For a variety of reasons I'm not that often present on PN of late.

    I like your reference to the word 'cinematic', as I tried to portray a (simple) scene / narrative indeed with this.

    Interesting your remark re: Bill Brandt - it hadn't really occurred to me beforehand, but I can see where you're coming from.
    (although not quite relate to the photo you linked to, which seems to emphasize a much more graphic aspect of the body as such)

    Btw, I went to see the B. Brandt exhibit at the MoMA last summer - was great!

    (PS: the girl pictured isn't my daughter actually :-)



    Carlos, Amy, Jack, Roberto, Ruud, Wouter, and Pnina, Thank you for your thoughts on this pic.

    I value- and enjoyed reading you words, and I'm glad that you appreciated this (un-cropped) photo of this little moment.



    Intriguing composition indeed. I like the way you composed this to practically the utmost extreme...

    That tiny touch of treetop at the RHS is essential for the pic i think & I therefore wonder what it would look like if it were a 'tad' more prominent...? (not quite sure though & talking in mm...)

    The position of the tree & the specks of flying leaves add to a sense of movement -- almost as if a magnetic force is at work...
    Nice, Wolfgang!



    Thanks, Wolfgang. A (Japanese) magnolia indeed.

    As the flowers bloom for such a short period, I tried capturing it in a simple & direct way, yet with a sense of the ephemeral...



    I like the way your scary messenger & his message appear in your blurry  movie sequence. It almost reads as a ghostly cartoon of sorts...

    The blur enhances a feel of spooky animation & transience at the same time.

    Wonder what this would look like presented as a triptych? (perhaps enhancing photo impact?)  Replacing the 2nd pic with the 4th..?

    Don't know & just thinking out loud, Jack. As is, it's certainly a canny & personal statement you created. 

  4. Something out of a 'realistic fairytale' (if that makes any sense:-). I too like the colors & the way you established the balance in the photo, by giving so much prominence to the dark shadows of the branches...

  5. I like the spontaneous feel & the way the picture is composed: practically consisting of a human pyramid, enhanced by the upward pose of the dog on one side, and the sliding toy truck on the other. There's a sense of fun, play, cooperation and love -- a real moment.

  6. Carlos,

    Raw, bleak words indeed...powerful.

     In spite of the shades and seemingly blank expression, there's hint of the sardonic in the glance.

    And although this could possibly be interpreted as one of annoyance perhaps (at being snapped by you), it actually comes across more as a mocking message of sorts: as if to say: yes, you are (will be) too....

    I much like your pov and the way he's framed by the bare branches, adding to a sense of moroseness, demise and bleakness.


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