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Posts posted by tausif_farooqi

  1. <p>Thanks Frank, Steven, and Mark. I really appreciate that you took your time to answer my post. And yes, this picture was a little under exposed and I had to fix that in Lightroom.</p>

    <p>You're right, I do need to improve my technique. I'm never satisfied with my photos. I need to shoot more often. This was the first time I went to take photos of birds (with a rented lens). The metering mode that I used was partial metering. I'll try spot metering next time I go to photograph birds, thanks for the tip.</p>

  2. <p>Hello,</p>

    <p>I've recently noticed that the photos I've been taking (using a Canon EOS 7D) have more noise than before at low ISO. Can anyone please tell me if this can be a result of a dirty sensor? I have had my camera for 2 years and haven't had the sensor cleaned yet, so it most probably needs to go through a round of cleaning.</p>

    <p>Below is a link to a sample picture that I took a few weeks ago. This photo (2396 x 1598) has been cropped out of a bigger photo (5184 x 3456). I have not resized the image, just tweaked the exposure in Adobe Lightroom. The photo was taken on a bright day. Image info:</p>

    <p>Camera: Canon EOS 7D, Lens: Canon EF 100-400mm IS, F-stop: F/8, ISO: 200, Focal length: 400mm, Shutter speed: 1/1000 s (hand-held).</p>

    <p><a href="http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/3964/mg4799.jpg">http://img593.imageshack.us/img593/3964/mg4799.jpg</a></p>

    <p>If you take a look at this image it looks too noisy for a photo taken at ISO 200. Can that noise be due to dust on the camera's sensor?</p>

    <p>Many thanks,</p>


    <p> </p>

  3. <p>Thanks for the replies guys. You're right, thats how it is supposed to work. I think I misunderstood the instructions in the manual. And thanks for suggesting the ST-E2, its on my wishlist now. :)</p>
  4. <p>I'm trying to set up a 430 EX II speed light as a single wireless off camera flash with my 7D. In the camera menu under Flash Control > Built-in flash func. setting > Wireless func I choose the option to fire only the speed light (3rd option). But when I shoot a picture both the camera's built-in flash as well as the speed light go off. As per the 7D manual the camera's built-in flash should not go off. Is there something I am missing?</p>

    <p>These are the settings I have (under Built-in flash func. setting):</p>

    <p>Flash mode: E-TTL II<br>

    Shutter sync.: 1st curtain<br>

    E-TTL II: Evaluative<br>

    Wireless fun.: Speed light only<br>

    Channel: 1 ch (same as the speed light)<br>

    Firing group: (A+B+C)<br>

    Exp. comp.: 0</p>

    <p>Many Thanks,<br>


  5. <p>Hi,<br>

    Can any one help me out by letting me know if there are any dealers in the San Francisco/Bay Area that sell NEC LCD Monitors? Fry's used to sell them but they don't carry them anymore. Best Buy doesn't have them. I'm looking to buy an NEC EA231WMI-BK or an NEC P221W. I can order it online but I don't really want to wait for the time it takes to ship, that'll be my last option. Many thanks in advance!<br>


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