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Posts posted by brian_kenimer

  1. <p>Charles was one nicest, most humble men I have ever had the pleasure to to work with. He was also my friend. His first hand accounts of the events he captured inspired me to get into photography at a more serious level (at the time I was just into documentary film production).<br>

    His stories of racing Mr. Honda (yes, of Honda Motors) in Japan, how he got the shots he did of MLK ,the police attack dogs, fire-hose shots and his other passions and professional work in the fashion industry as well as his huge volume of work for Life magazine was inspiring to say the least..<br>

    I am honored to to have worked with him on 2 documentaries. One of which I haven't released.<br>

    His civil rights photography book "Powerful Days" is incredible.<br>

    As much as he will be missed - many will attest Charles lived an exciting, full, rich, and important life - if I accomplish a fraction of what he did - I will be content. Thank you Charles for inspiring me and being a good friend.</p>

  2. <p>As far as I try to figure it, there are several elements to consider:<br>

    usage size of photo:<br>

    ................................1/4 page-full page-web<br>

    Veiws or copies:<br>

    .............................Circulation, website hits, Etc.<br>

    Usaage rights:<br>

    .............................3 months-6months-1 year or Lifetime/unlimited</p>

    <p><strong>My personal choice</strong> is to only sell at a "<strong>ANY page size, ANY circulation, unlimited/lifetime usage</strong> " basis.<br>

    <strong>The initial selling price is larger </strong> and there will not be any reason to argue at a later date.<br>

    I have <strong>no interest</strong> in selling my clients images to some other business (or stock photography) - if they would like a similar shot - they can use my services.<br>

    Sometimes,<strong> simple</strong> is the best way :)<br>

    Hope this helps! ---Bri</p>


  3. <p><strong>Well those are all from my video camera, LOL - BUT!!,</strong><br>

    It's because of my enjoyment I've discovered from that - and the chance<br>

    to capture them with amazing optics (the new M9) - now I've become<br>

    a <strong>Leica fanatic</strong> - I would go so far as to say a M9 is in my close future<br>

    and while I might start with a used <strong>90 f2 'cron to get started</strong> (or a CV) - a <strong>50mm f.95 Noctilux</strong><br>

    looks amazing and since im 31 - I can see getting some amazing shots over the next<br>

    30 years or so. I tend to learn from my mistakes and poor low light "noise" is<br>

    something I would like to get beyond.<strong></strong><br>

    <strong> I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who participated in this discussion, your advice and experience has helped me immensely</strong> and if all goes according to plan - I will be posting some great images from some amazing lenses and the M9!<br>

    <strong>Also</strong> , I don't know how long this "thread" will be up, but, feel free to post any<strong> lens recommendations, reviews, great deals or for links to great deals (of course moderator approved)</strong> - because,<strong> I will get e-mail alert on any new posts!</strong> I feel this is a work in progress - as<strong> I always seem to learn something!</strong></p>

  4. <p>I can whole-heartly recommend the Sony HVR-V1U it shoots 1920 x 1080 24p (or 30p) onto HDV tape that is easily edited bt 1080i editing systems - it's a small camera. this is true 24p - if you see my other posts- the video is so clean I use frame grabs as still-shots!<br>

    A truly great value!<br>

    hope this helps!</p>

  5. <p><strong>"won't every frame be blurred then? movie mode or 4.5 burst mode?" </strong><br>

    Motion blur seems to happen as I zoom or pan - But!, even handheld, once you get settled - you will have a bunch of sharp images to choose from (I shoot in 1080 x1920 24p) so <strong>24 frames a sec!</strong> (if you don't need the higher pixel count?) <strong>I would say try both and see what works best! </strong><br>

    <strong>"I like your composition, but I'd want to see more fill in her eyes."</strong><br>

    Natural light is great when your model knows how to use it - when we went through some of the footage last night - she realized what she will have to do to get better shots and so we will "play" with the sunlight more next couple of days!<strong> I guess we'll just experiment till we get it right!</strong> What can I say - It's a rough life! :)</p><div>00UZ0k-175113584.jpg.eefbaafc00f41c5df9f7b851524f4e99.jpg</div>

  6. <p><strong>"The most important thing is for you and your model to have fun."</strong><br>

    This is the single most important "RULE" to impliment<br>

    Knowing when to follow guidlines and <br>

    when to break rules will be a struggle we<br>

    all seem to face every time we pick up our cameras<br>

    This "photo" is a case in point - on a shoot with 8 Models and 5 other Photographers<br>

    This model moved so fast many of the other photos came out blured<br>

    and the other guys were getting a bit frustrated<br>

    I ended up using my video camera (oh the horror!) LOL<br>

    turned it 90 degrees handheld (another no-no!)<br>

    <strong>and this is what I got - which both her and I am pleased with</strong><br>

    <strong>and in the end - that's what really matters!</strong> <strong>Good Luck!</strong></p><div>00UYsl-175046184.jpg.31b290fcafa9b9763cc4796992f3d209.jpg</div>

  7. <p>I like! Great use of interesting backdrops!<br>

    Great job! And yes, a beautiful Lady!<br>

    my only thoughts?<br>

    <strong>1. Always have them bring multiple outfits.</strong><br>

    -even if I see totally diffrent shot composition<br>

    - I can't help but think "that's the same shirt?"<br>

    <strong>2. More shots of her staring off camera first</strong><br>

    - almost like you took a few shots without her noticing<br>

    - then, she discovers you shooting and plays into it?<br>

    <strong>You did a fantastic job, you should both be proud! :)</strong></p>

  8. <h1 >Interfit INT482 Monstar One Light, Three Lamp Fluorescent Kit (120VAC) - same as 1800watts I will use for fill or background lighting</h1>

    <h1 >and for subject:<br /></h1>

    <h1 >Interfit Super Cool-lite 5 Fluorescent Flood Light Kit - consists of: Two Fixtures, Reflectors, 2- 24x24" Softboxes, Light Stands, Bulbs - 240 Watts (120VAC)</h1>

    <p>This is what I'm getting for my new studio. Basic three point lighting set-up - plus its easily mobile.</p>

  9. <p>I would suggest to get any standing shots first -<br>

    Also, bring something soft (like towels) so if they climb up<br>

    onto something there wont be any scrapes/redmarks/indentions<br>

    (this usually happens on knees) -<br>

    Also bug spray - It's the little things that count sometimes.<br>

    Wish I'd thought of these my first outdoor shoot!<br>

    Hope you get some great shots! -----Bri</p><div>00UY3K-174569684.jpg.cd8089c44fb8667aee9b89391b6f3fb1.jpg</div>

  10. <p><strong>WOW!</strong> I had no idea that I was asking such a loaded question!!</p>

    <p><strong>Thanks Stephen</strong> for the<strong> 35/50/90</strong> breakdown - that explains a lot! <strong>But!</strong> , since we've discovered <strong>75mm are great</strong> and a <strong>40mm CV</strong> has snuck in there, too - I guess we should revise that to:</p>

    <p><strong>our "Recommended"</strong> lenses for the<strong> M9</strong> are listed from <strong>Wide angle to Telephoto</strong> :</p>

    <p> ...............<strong>35/40mm............ 50/75/90mm</strong><br>

    <strong> (Great for landscape) (great for portraiture)</strong><br>

    <strong><br /> </strong><br>

    <strong>OK - I think that will help those of us a little confused as to how mm = what I'm trying to capture!</strong><br>

    <strong>I wonder If I had my models sit still in the studio under controlled lighting while I switched out the different brands of lets say 3 different 50mm lenses - would the difference be that noticeable?</strong></p>


  11. <p>So, I'm <strong>definitely</strong> ordering an<strong> M9</strong> - and it looks like I'm looking for a <strong>90, 75 or 50mm for portraits</strong> , maybe pick up a <strong>35 or 28 for landscape</strong> , later?<br>

    also, if you want to <strong>send a link</strong> to where I can find a great price - that would be <strong>great!</strong><br>

    <strong>Thanks everybody for the great advice on the lenses - I can't wait!</strong><br>

    <strong>And John</strong> , funny how your work 35 years ago and what I shot 2 days ago gives us the same feeling! Although she just talked my ear off on the phone for 2 hours! 18mp will allow us more options than the 2mp that we have been using!</p><div>00UWb9-173814184.JPG.df7ed0ff5bed772fd1f1c5c57682252a.JPG</div>

  12. <p><strong>Thanks</strong> for the advise - <strong>but</strong> , like the <strong>topic</strong> says <strong>M9 and ABOUT $1000 for lens/lenses (portrait)<br /> </strong><br>

    If <strong>Canon</strong> or <strong>Sony</strong> made a <strong>FF this small</strong> - my money <strong>might</strong> of gone there (I was <strong>going</strong> to get an a850). <strong>But size is relevant</strong> . I plan to buy as many lenses as I see fit for <strong>different applications</strong> at a <strong>later time</strong> .<br>


  13. <p><strong>Thanks for the quick responses!</strong><br>

    <strong>John</strong> - Hmm, well I suppose the question would be is it better to <strong>use a sharp lens and soften it in photoshop</strong> or I guess lightroom (havn't used it yet) it comes with the camera<br>

    or use a <strong>soft lens and try to sharpen it in editing? </strong><br>

    since these going to be <strong>large framed prints</strong> - this is probably an important factor?</p><div>00UWIS-173673584.jpg.6ffde522f19365cf5b7f7e89f3448cb8.jpg</div>

  14. <p>OK if <strong>YOU</strong> were able to buy a <strong>M9</strong> and only had a budget of <strong>ABOUT $1000 for a lens</strong><br>

    <strong>which lens would be you pick first </strong> - also I have a few <strong>portrait jobs</strong> lined up so I'm thinking a nice portrait lens would be great - and then take that money and get a <strong>tele-photo</strong> ?<br>

    (I have a Zeiss Vario-Sonnar 1,6/3,9-78 T* on my HD Video cam and am SO happy with it)<br>

    also if somebody would like to decipher what those numbers on my HDV lens mean - that would be cool since I am a video guy enjoying learning about photography/lens technicalities.<br>

    <strong>Thank you</strong> in advance - I know I can get some <strong>GREAT</strong> advice here!</p>

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