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Image Comments posted by gerald_widen

    Red Stroller


    Chris and Fred, thanks for your comments and suggestions.  I am of the opinion that the majority of street photos are "snapshots" good, bad or great. Especially the ones where there are people actively moving around in and out of the shot. As street shooters how much time do we really get before the opportunity or scene disintegrates? Sometimes we get the opportunity to actually compose the photo, more often not. 

    In my opinion the difference between a snapshot and good photo  is whether we like it or it works for us.  To me a snapshot is a quickly "grabbed" shot as the scene is unfolding. If you look at many of Winogrand or Bresson photos they are snapshots or grabbed photos that are wonderful and really work for us.  The greatness of the photos speak for themselves.

    In both your cases I think the photo just doesn't do anything for you which is fine.  As said, I appreciate the comments.



    Red Stroller


    Any suggestions or comments are appreciated. I purposely cut off the

    woman's head at the top because I thought it distracted from the photo

    and didn't add anything.

  1. Mark, thanks for the comments.  Unfortunately this was one of those grab shots with not too much cropping.  There was some space cut off from the right. That is my left hand receiving the flyer and my right hand took the photo.  Taken with a Fujifilm X100 and didn't account for parallax  when looking through the viewfinder.

  2. The ratings for this photo are pretty low at 3.40. I am interested in

    what people don't like about the shot and why. This is how we learn

    and get better. My inspiration for putting it up and the title "The

    Creation of Adam" was based on Michelangelo's fresco on the Sistine

    Chapel. My feeling generally in posting a photo for critique is the

    photo shouldn't have to be explained as that is the job of the

    photograph and I rarely if ever do that. The reasoning here is the low


    Thanks in advance for any comments.

    a dark mind



     You are right. I only became active again about a year ago. That's why I didn't know that the people that run the site are now encouraging all forms of artwork to be displayed here.

    Yes I know Donna is also an excellent photographer in addition to doing great drawings. I am looking forward to seeing more of her non photographic artwork posted here.

    a dark mind


    Consistent with photo,net not being a photography only site to discuss, post photos and generally learn about photography I suggest that multiple topics are added to the forums. There are already, Digital Darkroom, Lighting, Film Processing in addition to the manufacturers like Nikon, Leica, Nikon, Pentax and the like. So possibly some of the larger paint manufacturers, brush makers and forums should be added. In addition there should be discussion forums on painting and sculpting techniques and whatever the graphic artists feel should be added.

    a dark mind


    Most artists work in varied mediums. Especially painters, sculptors, graphic artists and the like.  For a lot of photographers  taking pictures is their only creative en devour. I guess I am mistaken and this is not a photographic venue.  I don't know what led me to that.

    The good news is I know a lot of painters and sculptors and I will encourage them to post their work here.  I will also go to the sites for artists and also let them know the caretakers of this site welcome their posting their work, especially on the street photography area.

    Sorry for my misunderstanding.


    a dark mind


    Again I think it is a really nice drawing.  But this is a photography forum and there are plenty of websites and forums for artists.  What if someone were to put photographs of scenes and portraits on a forum dedicated to drawing or painting?

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