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Posts posted by saverio_grazioli_venier

  1. <p>Many thanks Andreas.<br>

    I have been using the site you mentioned and very helpful, especially in putting the A-1 and it's lenses in context.<br>

    I am holding off on the L series as of now, not least because I was given suggestions for some very good alternatives from all of you guys. One day....<br>



  2. <p>Thanks Paul, I will look for those books on abe.com; am sure it's easy to find. I hardly know anything about macro, but I enjoyed playing around with it on my digital cameras. Now I want to get to grips with it as there are certain compositions I would like to test with that technique. Will look into the non-Canon FD lenses both you and Stephen are suggesting.<br>

    Btw: apologies Stephen for calling you Kiron! It's been a long day, and am obviously digesting a bit too much info at the moment......<br>

    A very good weekend to all,</p>


  3. <p>I was not expecting such quick (and yes, absolutely generous) responses. Many thanks to everyone, I have a much clearer picture in my head now.<br>

    Peter - I will look into the two zoom systems; living in London makes it quite easy to find equipment.<br>

    Kiron - thanks for the Kiron tip, also because I am very interested in learning how to use techniques in macro photography.<br>

    Alan - very, very useful translation! I have ben scratching my head a little, it helped a lot....<br>

    Louis - many thanks for the warm welcome. I am really just starting out, have hardly any experience, and have little to post, but will gladly join the monthly group. How and where do I post? Can I also post photos taken with other cameras or is it only for FD system ones (which is what I will be using from now on anyhow).<br>

    All the best to all,<br>


  4. <p>Peter,</p>

    <p>Thank you very much; that is very helpful indeed.<br>

    I am still trying to understand what type of photography I like to do which is why I was not very precise in the question I posed. 50mm lense is what I use now (1.8, although I would like the 1.4), but I am also keen on getting a good wide angle and macro. The 85/1.8 and the 35-105/4 also seem really interesting.<br>

    Again, thanks for taking the time to answer back.</p>


  5. <p>Hello all,<br>

    I am new to this forum and was hoping to get some suggestions.<br>

    I recently bought a Canon A-1 with an FD 50mm 1.8 lense. I am loving the camera (I shoot b&w) but know very little about the FD system. Can anybody recommend lenses to me? A shoot a lot in low light and generally like to save up and buy the best possible as opposed to having a big collection quickly. <br>

    Also what are L lenses?<br>

    Many thanks for your help,</p>


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