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Posts posted by david_pafford

  1. <p>As a Combat Photographer in the Corps for nearly 18 years, I admire your decision - get ready to have some real fun!<br />I recall many joint operations that pooled together photographers, journalists, and other camera jockies from all the Armed Services. So, you would be wise to enlist the experiences of all of us, not just the Army. Remember: it's the Color Purple. Think Joint Ops, Lt!</p>
  2. <p>I own Steel Bridge Photography, and I provide photography training to individuals and small groups throughout north Idaho and eastern Washington.<br />I am thinking of adding a specific class on cell telephone cameras: their evolution, some common technologies, editing, sending on the internet, and archiving for post-production.<br />Can I generate a discussion about cell phone cameras on this forum, to get some insight into what I may want to put into these classes?</p>
  3. <p>OK, I need to start a conversation about this new technology in digital photography: Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens (cool acronym).<br>

    I teach photography, and I am often advising clients on best cameras and new technologies. I am studying this, but could use some perspective from other professionals. Thanks.</p>

  4. <p>I have made a review of the writings in your Business Forums, and I cannot find what I am researching. So, maybe you folks can help.<br>

    I am self-employed, working from my home, offering personal photography training to clients by appointment at an hourly rate. <br>

    My business model: go to the client (home, backyard, nearby park, etc). Using their camera equipment, I teach them specifically what they want to know at the time. Sometimes it is about the technologies in their new camera. Other times, I teach traditional subjects related to composition, exposure control, or lighting.<br>

    I want to be insured against any potential liabilities (e.g., someone tripping over my tripod, accidents in clients' homes - ya know, stuff that can happen "on-the-job" at someone else's home).<br>

    I look forward to some good responses. Thanks, in advance!</p>

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