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Posts posted by chad_geist

  1. <p>The studio I'm currently building will be in my 1 car garage. Here's how I'm am going about it. I ran some heavy duty wire/wash line the full length of either side of the garage & ancored the ends in the concrete foundation block. Then bought some 80" long black curtains for the wash line. This is conveinient becase the curtains can be shifted around so u don't have a permanently "gloomy" black room. In addition, for a good muslin holder I did the same for the width of the gargage on the back wall. Bought a black (& a white) 10' x 20' muslin. If 2 lines in the back are ran the white could always remain for when u decide to switch back to high key. All u would need to do is remove the black insteady of physically swaping each muslin out.</p>

    <p>Now my thoughts for the ceiling are still up in the air. I could paint the ceiling either black or dark grey. hmmmm... Maybe there's a way I can stetch some black plastic table cloth across the ceiling instead. U can purchase this via 100' rolls. ...but fighting to keep it from drooping may become an annoyance. So, I don't know I might just paint it.</p>

    <p>The key here is to minimize all light bounce but u already know that. That's just how I'm going about it.</p>

    <p>C. Everett Geist</p>

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