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Posts posted by sbbuckley

  1. <p>Clearly my image is manipulated .. but it is done so photographically as well as through post processing. I hope I wasn't giving the impression this was simply as such out of the camera - Not. I did overexpose the background which was shot on a light neutral gray stone at a garden center I visited last weekend. The flower was hanging over the edge. If I had had green foliage to work with as in your image, this would have been more difficult and very time consuming.<br>

    Post processing .. lifted the background color more to almost white .. played around with the contrast and color of the flower selectively, and then applied a texture which added some depth. I hope that clarifies ..</p>


  2. <p>Here's a quick attempt at creating a more muted affect. This was shot this morning. It's by no means a perfect shot as I was using a 90 mm macro lens..handheld - no tripod, manual focus. However, I think it fits well with this discussion. Basically, the image was slightly over exposed and then edited in photoshop CS4: contrast adjustment, selective color saturation (flower), color layer for toning the background a bit ..</p>


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