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Image Comments posted by daniel_benoit3

    Blue-tailed Skink


    I see an American Flag by your phone number. Unless you visited the Australias a blue tailed skink is only indeginious to there. The skinks in North America with blue tails are young five lined skinks. Beautiful work.

    I could be wrong but I do not think so. Again on the photo nice work. But I would check the nomenclature for its accuracy.

    Kind Regards,



    Fall Ladybug


    I think is wonderful when you are able to photograph something that moves. For this one it could have used a little more depth of field. My opinion any way. Unless you were trying to make only the beetle sharp then you did a good job.

    I have never seen a beetle this color. I did not check to see where you are from. I must do so. Keep up the good work. And practice with aperature priority. Bracket the aperature settings. My inexpensive input. You may have done that with this one. If so, it is just personal taste. I would have liked more of the photo in focus. Not to much more, but the leaf before, and behind at least.

    cheers and,

    Kind Regards


  1. I did not know if anyone realized/knew that this was the image on the Canadian Five Dollar Bill. I forget from what years. But I do know they ran it a few years, stopped then ran it a few more years.

    One said the colour/color was off from what the sky is. Well shoot any water sky reflection and see what you get. I think you will find that the water is usually different. In this one the red that is not showing in the water is probably throwing some off.

    As for the shot itself. I think it is great. When I shoot a photo like this. I like to add a bit of unsharp mask or contrast. And if too dark I either use levels or curves depending on what outcome I want. This shot has been handled beautifully. Considering this it is a fall or late summer shot I think the light is right for the season. Except for a little added on the left side of the photo "maybe".

    I love this photo for it reminds me of when I was there years ago. I will be crossing Banff mountains in October. Probably the 11th. My son lives just two hours east of Banff where this photo was taken.

    Thanks so much for sharing. I feel I will not have good light in October unless the snows come late. The second time i was there it was snowing and foggy and we were just traveling through to catch a plane in Seattle. The first time I was there it was beautiful. Just as you see here.

    The colour/color of the water changes depending on the season. The color is created by minerels from the spring run off. In spring when it is flowing it is in a stirred up state. The water looks more aqua-green. In the late summer or fall when all is settled it looks like this. A beautiful cool blue. Stonger than cool blue maybe by a bit.

    Love this photo. I hope you do not mind but I saved it for I would love to use it for my desktop photo sometime. If you do mind shoot me a message and i will delete it. Honest.

    Daniel J. Benoit

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