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Posts posted by eric_fishwick

  1. <p>Thanks Andrew<br>

    I have two objectives<br>

    The practical one is to get the adjustments I make in LRs develop module to be reflected as accurately as practicable in the finished print. I appreciate that some differences are inevitable but I'd like to minimise them as much as practically possible.</p>

    <p>The second objective is to try and understand how these things fit together. I'm an "enthusiastic amateur" so using argyllCMS for anything is probably just masochism but being a multistep process its forcing me to think about what is actually going on (BTW I found ArgyllCMS because the version of i1Match that I have doesn't do printers to any accuracy, I originally bought it just to get the i1Pro hardware).</p>

    <p>My suggestion to include MelissaRGB as a source profile was to allow the colours from the source to be mapped to the colours in the two output devices (screen and printer) using a consistent methodology but I don't know enough about this to know if this is redundant because Lightroom handles this automatically and/or better (for example I haven't been able to find out how LR handles colours that are out of gamut for the display - does it just clip them?)</p>

    <p>I suspect that what I'm doing is overcomplicating (hence your question about what I'm trying to accomplish) but that is coming out of my lack of knowledge - I'm over engineering out of ignorance.</p>

    <p>So a practical question To achieve as close a screen print match as possible whats the simplest thing I should do, just calibrate screen and printer as I would in a "point and click" calibration package - so without a source profile - and just let LR sort everything out behind the scenes?</p>

  2. <p>I've just discovered ArgyllCMS. Because it exposes all stages of calibrating and profiling rather than being point and click it's shown how little I know about colour management.<br>

    I'm looking for some concrete advice but would also welcome some background if my logic is wrong.<br>

    I shoot raw and use lightroom. My understanding is that this means the colour space of my images is effectively Melissa RGB<br>

    Most of my photography is nature so theres a good chance I have some images that have out of gamut colours for my screen (an ordinary rather than "HC" Dell monitor) and maybe printer (Canon i9950 inkjet)<br>

    My hope is to get what I print as close as possible to what I see in Lightrooms develop window. My plan is to<br>

    - profile the monitor in argyllCMS with MelissaRGB as the source profile from which to build gamut maps<br>

    - profile the printer in argyllCMS again with MelissaRGB as the source profile<br>

    Assuming that the monitor's gamut is roughly the same as sRGB would this also result in what I see on screen in LR being similar to what I export to jpeg for sending to others? <br>

    Thanks in advance<br>


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