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Image Comments posted by orozco

    Walking home


    I used to live outside the city in the country in Mexico and I your photos remind me of the feelings when I see them..of what I used to live as a child..Congratulations. I admire you work Floriana.

  1. In a small village next to the highway from Guadalajara to Sayula in

    Mexico, this little girl helps her father in a Prickle Pear Stand. In

    this photo she's bringing a heavy aluminum container for the skins and

    thorns of the prickle pear.



    A talented visually impaired musician on one of the streets of San

    Miguel de Allende. In Mexico. I was hoping for him to finish playing

    to ask for his name...but he continued going on...

  2. C & C welcome. I'll re-upload another color version later since I

    still haven't figured out how to make this photograph appear as in my

    calibrated monitor. For me this photo uploaded looks greenish, and it

    was more towards the Warmer tones.

    Bell Boy


    Thanks for the kind comments people!.


    La ultima " The last" . In villages in Mexico, is common in the local chuch to Play the bell 3 times before Mass. 1st, 30 min before , then 15 min before, then the "last" 5 min before. You can't see pull-rope for the bell in this photo though. I took it just after he played "La ultima". He plays the bell in " Nextipac" in this church ever since I can remember.

  3. Alessandro. I explained in the other lady I have, my pictures of the old people who work/live on the streets are more documentary than a portrait. It's very important to me to get little stories from people I see pretty much forgotten on the streets/ or who people seem to care little. But you're also right. It's also a portrait. But I don't have any lights in locations to shoot it as a portrait. I carefully choose the time of the day and the person I'll take since I don't move them to any location. When a Painter does his painting, the painter makes an interpretation of the person, and the painter chooses what to be more noticeable . About the tittle, It's pretty much symbolic. The beginning of a journey is for me as a documentary photographer. Most of my pictures have an audience, the picture itself. Not necessarily a picture has to have a relationship with the tittle, because at the end, it is the audience who make the interpretation of the picture. Because of the impression, the feelings, and emotions that can convey will be different even from the photographers vision. That's what I love of photography. It's always an interpretation. Thanks for your comments, appreciated. stay well :).


    Saad: Thanks for the kind comments.

  4. Nor the days, nor months, nor years pass away without giving prints of

    time. A kind old lady who gave me the gift of taking her one picture.

    She was the first beautiful lady I took a picture couple of months

    ago, but I didn't uploaded until today. In fact she was my favorite.

    She didn't wish to talk, she acceded me photographing her and she just

    watched in the most pacific way how I took her a picture.



    Me agrada mucho tu fotorafia, La composicion funciona y los colores calidos le dan un excelente tono. Me agrada el simbolismo que le pusiste a las fotos, da varias interpretaciones. La mia es que la pobreza y la musica en mexico esta muy conectada con la religion. Lo unico que podrias mejorar (algo muy pequeno) seria los tonos de altas luces en la playera, y en las teclas del piano, es un poco distractivo. Pero aun asi la fotografia funciona muy bien. Estupenda foto. Saludos.




    In wheat

    This is an exquisite work of photography. Very well framed, basically I can see 4 layers of deep, plus the protagonist. You have a beautiful eye for B&W photography, Too bad I can't rate you yet, the system doesn't allow me. Wonderful use of saturation/hues/contrast. Congratulations.



    A grandmother of someone....She's 78. Like any good grandmother she

    has very good stories to tell. It was taken with natural light ,

    indoors, besides a large window.



    Any C&C welcome. She's a very beautiful person I found on the streets

    of Quiroga, Michoacan, in Mexico. She was serene and even though I

    could feel some sadness in her, she was very sweet for the little I

    could speak to her.


    These are the kind of pictures i'd like to hang in my studio. I think it's brilliant thanks to its simplicity. I like the contrast. I also I've read your bio and watched your pictures. I'm a fan already. Thanks for the comments. Cheers!

    Mysterious Beauty


    Thank you so much for you comments. I'll take in consideration about what you say Giuseppe . I say your bio and your work, and well, your work is admirable. Very worth of all of your life experience. Thanks for sharing your comments and insight to me, and to the world.


    About David, well Thanks for your comment as well! You have just about everything and I'm loving your photos.I read what you say in your bio and well you and I are very much thinking the same way, you say you comment every photo you rate. And that's wonderful, I've started doing the same too. Maybe not commenting when the picture is great, if they don't wish to, but it's nice to receive a a comment to know why they are qualifying me unusually low, as long as they are objective. It's a shame that you thought I was more like complaining about the rating system. It was more like an observation. Thanks for explaining to me why people don't comment. Now I know, still, I think if someone rate unusually very low I'd like them to comment why, and only in that case. It's about manners and I'm sure you agree too. Next pictures will be better thanks to your comment.


    Impressive portfolio David, I have to say again. All the best!




    Katerina, Je suis vraiment etonne pour tes photos, felicitations, j'aime beacoup la lumiere dans tes photos, c'est vraiment exquisite. Chaque photo me donne des sentiments et des sensations differente... 7/7!



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