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Posts posted by joshua_james1

  1. <p>I forgot to mention before that I intend to use the external flah in a bounce situation (possibly making one of those "A better bounce card"s, to start off with). And then possibly getting a small stand and umbrella for portrait work. What would work best with this, would a extension cord do or is wireless necessary?</p>

    <p>Just some background, I am still very new to D-SLR photography but am very enthusiastic and have learned A LOT in the past 2 months I have had the camera. I am quite general in my photography, taking many photos of my Dalmatians down at the dog park, as well as being the main family photographer (this is where the flash would be most often used - indoors at night). I am still exploring other types of photograpghy and will see what suits me most.</p>

    <p>I almost always use the camera in Av mode, just ocassionally switching to Tv for more creative stuff or P if I have forgotten what to do :P<br>

    Also, 'Anders' I did realise that the 430EX I was availiable second hand, but I didnt realise it was able to communicate with the camera like that. Does that mean that the only real difference between the 2 430's is is the recycle time? Will it still be able to be fully controlled from / by the camera?<br>

    And 'Tony', thank you for your advise, but for my first flash I would prefer to buy Canon so that a) I know how to use it and b) I can be absolutely certain that it will work with my camera, and work fully automatically if i want.</p>

    <p>Thank you all for your responses so far.</p>

  2. <p>Hi all,</p>

    <p>This is my first post so please be nice,</p>

    <p>I am 15 and just bought my first SLR, a Canon EOS 50D. I currently have a Canon 17-85mm IS Usm, Canon 50mm 1.8 II and a Canon 75-300mm USM (non-IS), and Manfrotto Art 190 tripod + 128RC head (oldie but goodie).</p>

    <p>I am fed up with the results given by the built in flash (which i try to avoid at all costs by using 50mm and high ISO) and am looking at buying an external flash. I have very limited space in my camera bag, which i would not like to upgrade at this point, which I think would just accomodate a 430 EX II. My question is weather I should buy a new 430EX II, an 'hong kong imported' flash or second hand and if the benefits of having an older 550 EX or 580 EX will overweigh the extra cost, weight and storage concerns.</p>

    <p>I dont have a job so money is important, but that only means it will take longer for me to get it.</p>

    <p>I am open to all suggestions as what should be my next move, even if is not a flash.</p>

    <p>Thank you,<br>


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