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Image Comments posted by mikeyg12

  1. There's a very beautiful, feminine quality to this.  I really like this shot.  One possible critique, I find the one curl in the "lashes" of the grass to be a little distracting.  Feels like a small blemish.  I wonder if it would be worth editing out.  As it stands it still goes in my favorites. 

    ANGIE M. D.

    I mean no offense at all but I don't get it. I am an amateur photographer at best which is why I come to this site to learn. I am just trying to figure out the positives in this shot. Personally I feel like the crop, lighting and expression are all unflattering. I want to stress that I feel bad being negative in a critique, but I am just trying to learn more aspects of what make a good photo.
  2. I really appreciate the commentary. I wish more photographers would tell more about their photos on this site rather than just acknowledging that critiques are welcome (which we already know otherwise why post on the site?). I was able to look at the image and get my own feeling from it and then also read your words and fully understand your intentions and how it looked through your eyes. I didn't pay much attention to the cracks at first glance and liked looking a second time with a different thought process. The only thing I would critique though is that I wish the added crack wasn't such a perfect mirror image of the original. If the crack was adjusted in some way, rotated differently, sized differently or not placed at the same height it might go more unnoticed as a digital manipulation. Powerfull image none the less.


    My first thought when I looked at this was that I might end up liking the full color shot better. After looking at both I'm not sure. Had the leaves been a wider range of colors like I first pictured them with reds and yellows I think color would have enhanced the photo. Since they are all pretty much the same tan color I think it was a good idea to go with the desaturation. Did you consider or try leaving the color in the sweater? I wonder if that would be too much. Either shot is beautiful though. Great crop and perfect expression.
  3. The thumbnail really drew me in immediately. I love the perspective of the shot, very creative. When I looked at it bigger I couldn't help but wish that the spacing between the models' hands were all more even. I felt distracted by the fact that the closest models left hand is almost touching her neighbor. Might just be my OCD. Beautiful shot though.

    Which way now?

    While I am no expert, I really like this photo. The lighting, the contrast, the depth of field, all work really well. I wish the people who rated this so far would have left comments so I could learn what they think could have been done better.
  4. I appreciate all of you taking the time to make some comments. It has been a long time since I last logged in, thinking of photography was somewhat bitter-sweet after my dog chewed up my point and shoot. Alton, I see the benefits of the slight changes you made. The event that promted me to finally log back in was that I had the great fortune this week of a wonderful person giving me their "old" camera which happens to be an Olympus E300. I finally have some creative control and am planning on posting a picture I took on Thanksgiving, probably tomorrow since I am at work at the moment.

    hole in tree

    Being an amateur at best I feel a little bad about giving any criticism at all, but I figured I would respectfully voice my opinion anyway. I think I would like this even more if it were cropped a little closer. I love the upper right corner, but I can't help but think that the shape of the hole would lend itself nicely to being positioned in the lower left corner, bringing the margin in about a quarter of the image from the left and just a little bit up from the bottom. Really nice photo as is though.
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