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Image Comments posted by carljones



    I like the mood, it's as if you've turned-up announced and unwelcome to a secret meeting, tbh I find the dog distracting and out of place,but otherwise looks good .


    Is that horizon level?




    I like the contrast in colour between the grey walls and the warmer wall on the right, but I'm not really not a fan of the over-cooked tone-mapping you've got here, the whole effect is just too distracting for me i'm afraid.




    That is excellent, love the play with the shadows of the fence, and the eyes are superb, great detail and really captivating.


    Man Alone


    I like how the man really adds a sense of scale to his surroundings here, that I Feel works really well. Personally i'd have cropped some of the sky out as it feels like there's just too much of it. And the foreground's just a bit fuzzy to me, can't tell if it's due to jpg artifacting or not though, just needs to be a bit more detailed I think.


    Winter aurora


    Very nice! I came to Reykjavik back in February hoping to get some aurora shots, but for 3 nights there was nothing but cloud :( I'm going to revisit in November this year so just hope I can get something as wonderful as this.


    Really like the lighting along the snow, and the magical aurora looks brilliant.




    I love it. The lighting is 1st rate, having that slight green touch that matches the somewhat futuristic scene perfectly, very nicely done.




    This is excellent, I like how it really plays with our sense of scale, is she a giant walking the road etc., strong contrast and tones, very nicely done.




    I really do like this, the mono conversion really adds impact, not that the scene needed any more with those dark clouds and rocks. The way the stream leads us up the scene as well works really well, fabulous work.


    I would say tho, the horizon doesn't appear to be quite level and just seems to slant off to the right a little?

  1. I really like how you've managed to split the scene into totally separate layers here. The cold blue in particular, contrasts so well against the muddy, brown middle layer. The lighting is excellent too, really making the ice glow.


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