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Posts posted by david_imboden

  1. <p>I was just looking at a friend's wedding photos she just posted on Facebook. The entire album is desaturated about 80-90%... My wife happens to love this look, and I do too on a photo or two. But having the entire group of photos that way makes them look drab, nothing pops..<br>

    And then I come here and there's a conversation about that. I think she's going to regret having the entire album that way in a few years if not sooner.</p>

  2. <p>Thank Jennifer, I appreciate the detailed critique. I agree with you that it helps to get better. Even though I screwed up on settings, I'm glad I got a few extra photos that the bride will love above the paid photographer that she had. When I was asked and started freaking out, I found photo.net among others. I read every "1st, 2nd, 3rd wedding" critique I could find on here before I went and I would like to think that my photos are better than they would have been had I not found this site and read those critiques. I figure it was only fair for myself and others to post a few in return.</p>
  3. <p>Bob - Yes it is the Hotel del. It was a small wedding where the officiant just picked a location, quickly set up and then everyone stood around him while he gave the service. We had two mostly naked fat men walk up to the ceremony behind the couple and just stand and watch.<br /><br />Andre - Thanks for the advice. I will try more and I'll see if my neighbor is willing to let me tag along to a wedding or two at least connect me with any groups she is in.</p>
  4. <p>David S. - That's what I figured about Off Cam. Flash is definitely a weakness of mine. I didn't necessarily think Ed was being compliementary, but I didn't really understand it, so I just figured I'd take it as such. (hence the smiley face)<br /><br />Actually, I wasn't trying to dismiss your comments, they made me go back and look at them and see what you saw and I appreciate that. Exactly why I posted them here.<br /><br />I don't know if I'm serious about it. I know I was nervous as hell when I was asked and that's how I found this site and others. My neighbor is a wedding photographer and I went back and forth with her beforehand. I still don't know, so I think that tells me the answer, but I posted them here to see what this community thought because I did some things specifically because of the critques here. I feel like the group here gives constructive information (just like you have and the others).</p>
  5. <p>Thanks for the Critiques so far, I appreciate it. <br /><br />David W - My monitor probably isn't calibrated, Its just a little HP laptop that I put them on. The bride is actually a graphic artist and will be doing all her own PP and then sending them back to me to have for my portfolio. Thanks for the good word on the shots, I tried some fill flash, but didn't like any of them, so they aren't posted. What is off cam?<br /><br />Missy - Thanks!<br /><br />Ed - The funny thing about the flair shot is another photographer friend of mine really liked it. I didn't like it all that much, guess I should have gone with my own instints. On 31, I agree with you, the bride loves it and is going to PP to bring down the intensity. What do you mean by you can see my sensor. "..exceeded the limitations of your camera" I don't know if that is a compliment or not, but I'm going to consider it one. :)<br /><br />David S. - On the getting closer. I actually have closer shots on most of those, but sometimes this board tends to complain about cutting stuff out, so I posted some of the zoomed out shots to mix in with the closer shots. On some of the ugly backgrounds, I was usually trying to stay away from the paid photographer and just utilized the space/position that I had.. As for #26, that is the classroom that they met in, so the background was intentional. For #32 and #33, I'll post a couple of others and see if they are liked better..<br /><br />Again, thanks for the feedback, I'm up for more!</p>
  6. <p>Hello.. I see a lot of critiquing posts lately so I figured I'd throw myself in the ring. A friend asked me to take photos for her wedding. Her package included a photographer for an hour, basically the ceremony and the formals/posing. I took photos during that time as well, but made sure to stay out of the photographer's way. I took some prewedding photos at her house and the reception was at her brother's house. We did sneak off to the local college where they first met and took some photos there before sunset.<br /><br />Where I already know I screwed up. I was taking photos at an indoor event the week before and left the Nikon D50 on ISO 800. I don't really have an excuse as to why I didn't check it or change it for the wedding. Just nerves I guess. I noticed it as soon as I opened up the first photo and saw how grainy they were. Luckily she still had the paid photographer for the important events. Live and learn. I mostly do travel photography, so this was completely new to me. I'll take any goods or bads that you might have.<br /><br /><a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/david.imboden/DeniseWeddingforWeb?authkey=Gv1sRgCO3e97yC3MzKkAE">http://picasaweb.google.com/david.imboden/DeniseWeddingforWeb?authkey=Gv1sRgCO3e97yC3MzKkAE</a>#</p>
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