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Image Comments posted by glenda_smith



    I think you have a wonderful image here. The expressions are quite poignant. Sorry, but I don't have any ideas for a title either.


    For future images like this one, I think a fill flash would have improved the lighting on their faces. (Maybe you can do something with software?) Also, I would prefer a shallower depth of field to blur the background, since it is not interesting or important for the image.





  1. I cannot tell what this is a photo of. Both the long foreground of boring grass and dirt and the small size of the vertical things make this photo one that does not work for me. I would suggest getting closer to your subject.


    I love the crisp details. Very nice depth of field. I also really like the way you framed the image, using the color of the vegetation to saturate the image even further. I want to eat the fruit. I also love the contrast of the rounded shapes with the linear leaves. Brilliant.

    Natura morta

    This photo really caught my eye with its bright colors and black frame. While I'm not really sure what it is, I appreciate the careful framing. I like the ambiguity, too. I can look at it for a long time. My definition of success!
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