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Image Comments posted by joe_gaskill

  1. Thanks Grayham.

    Invited - Constructive criticisms: Remember, compliments are like sugar ... tastes great but has lots of calories and no food value. Constructive criticism is like brussels sprouts ... you may not like it but there's lots of food value. Thank you

  2. Thanks Simon, it's in the state of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil.

    Invited - Constructive criticisms: Remember, compliments are like sugar ... tastes great but has lots of calories and no food value. Constructive criticism is like brussels sprouts ... you may not like it but there's lots of food value. Thank you


    After viewing all your pieces in this portfolio, I find your eye for color is amazingly pleasant. This particular one, is one of the best "monotonic" color pictures I can ever remember seeing. In other words, there is no "memory" of my seeing a work like this. (the devil made me do it). One suggestion B/W doesn't seem to work for you ... yet.
  3. My wife of 40 years is from Brazil. I am just now learning Portuguese.

    In english I would have said "An Allegory of Life".

    Note at the top of the picture could be explained as the turmoil of youth. Then comes middle age (maybe from 20 to 50 years).. Finally there comes some peace interupted by the pains that come with advancing age. Then more peace as you have finally learned to accept life as it is.

    The is a nice work of art, pleasing to the eye. I like it.


    An opinion: try cropping the left half of this picture for a more telling "story". The left half is a whole other story. Together they confuse the eyes and mind.
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