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Posts posted by joe_gaskill

  1. <p>I have used Epson, Canon and HP printers for years now. All three printers do a decent job. I started with the Epson 1280. I'm sorry I ever gave it up for all the bells and whistles of the modern day ink guzzlers. After much review and soul searching. I personally see no reason for buying those hi-tech printers (toys) (this after I bought the worst of the guzzlers so far ... the R2880). If you are doing commercial quantities your best bet is to find a supplier on line ... there are any number of them that do a fantastic job. I have customers that want giclees in excess of 600 sq.in. (~20X30). I get them done from online sources.<br>

    I've spent thousands over the years trying to get a handle on color with little to show for it in the way of printer renditions. Instead, I find that if my monitor is set to defaults and I upload to a professional printer the results make my customers ecstatic, which makes me ecstatic. Also don't forget that agonizing process of replacing matte and photo inks .... my God what the hell kind of engineer does that (the kind that has stock options up the kazoo)<br>

    Having said this .... anybody want to trade an R2880 for a R1400? Contact <a href="mailto:agaskill3@verizon.net">agaskill3@verizon.net</a></p>


  2. <p>Although I just only now subscribed (for three years, I was that impressed by the site), I do like to brag that I have over 40 years experience in the art of photography. I am quite the philosopher and have dabbled in the fringes of reality. If I am crazy I'm in love with the feeling. And I don't need drugs or alcohol to be this way. Anyway I am not crazy (I don't think). I'm just old enough to know better (I think). Ain't life grand? <br>

    Until you're trying to give some one some helpful hints on a real work of art that could be perfected just an eensie bit more. Then some jerk in a following message implies you don't know what your talking about. My contact info is there tell me what you don't like. So!<br>

    <strong>Number 8:</strong> Don't criticizes previous critiquers! If the critiquer is out of line report it to the management.</p>

  3. I'm brand spaken new on this site. I checked it out for a couple of weeks. I was happy enough with what I saw to enlist for three years. I've critiqued a couple of people one of whom thanked me for some constructive thoughts on her work. My problem is the guy behind me says in effect you don't know what your talking about.

    This works against me in that if it happens with a photo I want critiqued it kinda puts a stop to lots of other folks who might have some useful constructive criticism. Hell I don't have to accept any old criticism that comes along but it behooves me to think about then chuck it if I want.

    So don't critcize the critiquer. You ain't protecting somebody from this nasty old basser. If I like a piece of work the critcizers won't stop me from giving an opinion about how I feel your work might be made better. What's this site all about anyway.


    Remember, compliments are like sugar ... tastes great but has lots of calories and no food value.

    Constructive criticism is like brussels sprouts ... you may not like it but there's lots of food value.


    I used this to instruct my friends that praise is nice but my feet are still in the real world, I can give hard knocks as well as take them it makes me a better artist.

    Joe Gaskill, Newbie (to this site)


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