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Posts posted by gmazza

  1. <p>Finally read all posts.<br>

    <br />Interesting time to observe, what will happen ?<br>

    <br />In a historical perspective, every change in photo media was followed by massive flow of snapshoot photos. There were texts when the <em>daguerreotype</em> was invented about a lot of meaningless photos. When mainstream changed to film, turning the photo process cheaper, there were at these times reports of snapshoots and the death of art trough bad photography volume.<br>

    <br />The digital only changed this to more cheap, more people doing it, and with a much more powerful sharing media as the internet.<br>

    <br />Will this be the end or one more circle who knows /</p>

  2. <p>For #1, yes, if some variables are untouched, the MP-E lens in a 1.6 crop, at 3x magnification, will cover the same field of view than at 5x in a full frame sensor.</p>

    <p>For #2 no, the minimum magnification is 1:1 in a crop sensor you will be stuck at the 23mm the crop could cover, in a full frame the lens cover the entire 35mm, so in the lower end of magnification the FF is more useful with this lens.</p>

    <p>One note is for the use of this lens do not bother with greater working distance, most subjects you will find are so small that you will need less working distance<br /> <br />A second note is about diffraction, with a lens that extend this lot the effective aperture for most single frame shoots (considering you will not stack images) is about f/30 to f/60, the airy discs will cover several pixels even in the most large pixels sensors, this offset to a extent the high pixel density advantage of most APS-C sensors (that is not a solid rule and I have seen a variety of results depending on other variables of each camera)<br /> So even if the field of view works like a focal length limited scenario, in practice you will not get the advantage of pixel density.</p>

  3. <p>Found one of these in the Brazilian auction site.<br>

    <br />It has a 10 blade preset aperture but they not form a perfect circle when stopped.<br>

    <br />The search engines returned few (almost noone) references to this one.<br>

    Is this lens a true rarity, a hidden bokeh king, or only a few were produced due to a problem etc....<br>

    <br />Thanks</p>


  4. <p>I don't want to be off topic here, but after careful study, I searched my archives and find this cat photo:<br /><br /><br /><a href=" gataI src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2454/3819645430_cb2d0670b2_o.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="600" /></a></p>

    <p>Did only with build in flashlight of sony DSC H5<br />f/8<br />1/60s<br />iso 125<br />It's not macro, and I was 5m away from the cat, did very few edits on background</p>

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