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Posts posted by steven_bristow

  1. <p>I have a pile of old flashbulbs that i purchased from a camera store that was going out of business. Mostly AG1s and AG1Bs, with some Press 25s and M3s mixed in. Now that I think about it, I bought them over 5 years ago...</p>

    <p>Anyway, I'd love to use them instead of just letting them sit. Can anyone recommend a good flash holder? I'd like to own several eventually, both handle and shoe mount. I'm planning to use them mainly with my Nikon F and perhaps my Hassy 500c.</p>

    <p>Thanks in advance!</p>

  2. <p>First, I'd like to thank Tom Scott for sending those nice Minolta lenses.</p>

    <p>Tom, I shot a few rolls of film and they are being developed. I know I said I'd give an old Monolta body away, but quite honestly I'm more comfortable giving someone my Rebel because I know FOR SURE that it works perfectly and whoever gets it won't have any trouble with it.</p>

    <p>So, I'm giving away a Canon EOS Rebel that's in near mint condition. Works perfectly, but I don't have a lens to go with it, sorry.</p>

    <p>I'll ship it to anyone in the US at no charge, and the only catch is that you have to give something away and keep this going.</p>

  3. <p>Has anyone seen the seller on ebay advertising CLA's for Canon cameras? Has anyone tried his services? The price is only $80, almost seems to good to be true.</p>

    <p>Here's how he lists it: CLA / REPAIR for Canon AE-1 A-1 F-1<br>

    <strong><strong id="mainContent"> </strong></strong></p>

  4. <p>First of all I'd like to thank Cliff Manley for sending me that Zeiss Nettar. I love it.</p>

    <p>Alright, I'm giving away a nice Minolta XG-1 body. It's the first model, not the cheap plasticky XG-1n. It's in great shape, the shutter speeds are accurate, but the meter only seems to work in Auto mode. The leatherette is also still good, this stuff usually shrinks with age.</p>

    <p>The deal is the first person that wants the camera will post and claim it here, and tell me in an email what they would like to give away in return, whether it be another camera, lens, film, etc. Then I'll send it to him or her free of charge.</p>

    <p>I'd like to limit this to the US only, but if you live overseas and would like to pay the difference in shipping I'd be happy to do that.</p>

  5. <p>I own three FL bodies, an FP, FT, and a TL. The meterless FP is my favorite Canon body, I even prefer it over my F1. Perhaps the best feature of the FL bodies is that ALL of them will function without batteries.</p>

    <p>I don't own any FL lenses, but I do want a 100mm f3.5 and 19mm f3.5. I do like the breech-lock mounts much better than the bayonet type.</p>

  6. <p>Hello all,<br>

    For quite a while I had absolutely no interest in Canon manual focus equipment. Nikon was my system and anything else was inferior.</p>

    <p>But, I was bitten by the FD bug last October. It all started with a T50 with a 50mm f1.8. It was a joy to use, but I missed having manual control, so I went shopping. I now own quite a few bodies, F1n, T70, FT, FTB, TL, and an FP. The meterless FP is actually my favorite.</p>

    <p>I now love all of my Canons. Anyone else with similar experience?</p>

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