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Image Comments posted by malbuquerque

    Minimum Wage

    Another great addition to your "Hands" series. The symmetric composition is nice and the lighting works well. I wonder how this one would look if you had a little more sharpness on the knuckles and details in the shadows to show more of the skin texture. Great job and keep shooting those hands. Your series is very impressive. Regards, Marcelo.


    This is a nice shot and a great addition to your already impressive portfolio. Since I like to always provide some constructive criticism, I would just mention that in terms of design, the various straight lines of the deck intersecting each other makes the foreground a bit too busy in my opinion. I just think it contrasts with the subtle shapes and forms of the background. But everything else is great in this shot. Thank you for sharing. Regards, Marcelo.

    Tero I

    Very nice capture. I like the lighting very much with highlights and shadows very well exposed. His expression and the nice composition adds to this great shot. Good job. - Marcelo.


    Per, thanks for the critique. I agree that the centered foreground would have been nice, but this was not a posed shot. I had to react quickly as she walked by and this was the best I could do given her position. As for the dark area, I would crop it out based on the left side, but I like the tree branch and the sun rays on the right side. So it's a tough decision. Thank you again for your comments, they are very helpful. - Marcelo.


    Thanks for the comment. It's very helpful to know how others are viewing this photo. I may have other photos in my portfolio with the same problem and I wasn't aware of it. I'll definetly look into making sure my monitor is calibrated correctly. Thanks again for stopping by. - Marcelo.


    Roger, thanks for the comment. When I post-processed and posted this photo on another computer, I saw a lot more detail than I see now on the computer I'm currently on. I don't know how dark it looks on your screen but I definetly intended for some detail to show on the foreground. I think it may be time to adjust my monitor and give this photo another look. Thanks so much for the feedback. - Marcelo.



    This small bungalow, in a privileged location, overlooks the vastness

    of the Australian outback. The scattered clouds contributed to a

    beautiful sunset. Your comment would be very appreciated. Thank you

    for viewing.



    One among a group of monks praying at Doi Suthep in northern Thailand.

    Your comments are very appreciated. Thank you for viewing.

    African Barred Owl

    Thanks Linh and Shawn for your comments. I didn't want to have the bird centralized in my composition but I agree that in this case the left side is quite busy and becomes a little distracting. I will try some alternatives. Thanks for stopping by. - Marcelo.
  1. Thanks Bassem and Michael for your critiques. This was actually not in a studio. I was hiking along a trail and noticed that the backlighting and the dark background would make for a nice shot. There was a small breeze causing the leaf to move, so I used a fast shutter speed to freeze it. I guess that was key for the sharpness in this case. Thanks again for stopping by. - Marcelo.


    First of all, I would like to say I like this capture very much. However, I will concentrate in what I think might make this shot better. I would like to see this shot without cropping her foot out and with a better view of her face. I just feel those two thing would make it even better. Good job and thank you for sharing.


    Great portrait. I like the composition a lot, but I would have liked to see more depth of field to make the clouds look sharper. I know the sky is just the background, but since it takes so much space in this image, in my opinion it would probably look better if it was in focus. But either way, great job.
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