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Posts posted by john_hobson1

  1. <p>Hi Jeff, You say that you do a few portraits with the couple, but also that you don't provide any direction during the day. Is this one bit of the day where you might provide some direction such as 'walk along the path, be yourself, do whatever feels natural'? Or would you not even do that?</p><p>Also, as a lot of venues have fairly harsh overhead lighting I know that 'raccoon eyes' can be a problem. Do you have any particular strategies for coping with this such as picking a moment when your subject looks up a little so that the overheads provide some fill?</p><p>Thank you so much for contributing so openly in this thread, it has been a fascinating read and given me much food for thought for how I approach weddings in the future. I do hope that you might be able to make it up to Scotland for a seminar sometime, if not I will certainly be making the effort to come down to Lancashire.<br></p>
  2. <p>Hi Jeff,<br><br>I really love your work, you're a very inspirational photographer. In lieu of attending one of your seminars I wondered if there were any books or DVDs focussed on wedding photography that you could recommend? <br><br>What would you consider are the core skills required to be an excellent wedding photographer?<br><br>Many thanks for taking time to answer questions here<p>


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