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Posts posted by denise_mcmullin

  1. <p> This seems like an issue between you and your friend rather than the agency. He's the one that supplied them the digital images to put on their website without asking you about it first. <br>

    Personally, I wouldn't care that much if it was a good friend of mine and I was helping them with their career. But since you do, instead of billing them out of the blue (burning bridges comes to mind from a previous post), why not just call them and explain that you would rather not have your photos on the site first.</p>

  2. <p> So when I first saw this post I thought a)Ugh. This is some bad egotistical know-it-all photography student or b) one really talented, quirky fashion photographer. Well, after reviewing his work and reading his blog(full of tips, advice and great industry info) I realized he is the latter. <br>

    I recently put away the umbrella and have been experimenting with other forms of lighting even though I don't really have the cash to buy new fancy stuff. A set of grids under $100, home made reflectors, a pack of unused gels I found on top of a garbage can and antique mirrors have definitely allowed me to get more creative and produce more interesting photos.<br>

    I think Benjamin was successful in how he wrote his post, he stirred up the pot and made people think. </p>

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