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Posts posted by sowmya.photography

  1. <p>Hi all,<br>

    I am just in the process of integrating my photography website and blog together. I have about 4 to 5 specialisations (architecture, portraits, etc). Each specialisation has about 30 images. Is that too much to be putting up on my website? Or is it fine?<br>

    Personally I see myself yawning at other's website when there is an endless set of pictures to see. So am wondering is there any threshold point where people get bored and close the window!<br>


  2. <p>Great work and a great site. The loading time isn't so bad. It could be faster, but doesn't annoy the user. Considering that I just worked on my site, the only potential issue is that, since its a flash site, the indexing on search engines isn't all that great. You could parallely have a photo blog and link your site to that to optimise your search results. Otherwise its Perfect.</p>
  3. <p>Thanks all for your input.<br>

    I'm quite convinced at this point of time to go ahead and use wordpress and link it to my domain. I'd see how that goes for a while and take a call. Thanks again. <br>




  4. <p>Hi, I'll try to get this question as precise as I can. I have about 50 images, converted from tiffs to jpegs at 300 ppi resolution. I now need to upload these 50 jpeg images on the web and I'd like to reduce the resolution to 72 ppi. I usually use Genuine Fractals plugin in Photoshop to increase / decrease image size / sharpening, etc as its faster and does a clean job. Is it okie to directly convert my 300 ppi Jpeg images to 72 ppi in photoshop? As its gonna be tough for me to source out all the original tiff files. If this isn't okie, what is the best / quick way of reducing the image resolution (lossless compression). Cheers, SOwmya</p>
  5. <p>Thanks Rakesh.<br>

    I guess I will be using a flash template (until I can afford a web designer!) so for now I guess I'll have to live with what they have to offer. And whats your opinion between using flash against html. Thanks for the info. </p>


  6. <p>Thanks Rakesh.<br>

    I guess I will be using a flash template (until I can afford a web designer!) so for now I guess I'll have to live with what they have to offer. And whats your opinion between using flash against html. Thanks for the info. </p>


  7. <p>Okie..pardon me if my questions seem repeated or too obvious to be told again! But I'd appreciate if you can help me with my set of queries.<br>

    1) I have my own domain, I'd like to host my portfolio in that space. I was looking at a pre-designed flash template that I can use in my domain. (http://www.wix.com/create/website) seemed like a good option. I'd like o understand the pros and cons of using something like this.<br>

    2) If am looking at designing my own website, how exactly do I go about it. Is it user-friendly enough for someone like me(have no clue bout coding/html, java scripts,etc) to learn over the web and execute? And what is the usual size/resolution and format that my images need to be in for putting on the web.<br>

    Thanks for the help.</p>



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