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Posts posted by mark_maziarz

  1. <p>OK, I had put this project on hold for a few months since I couldn't find a rear cell assembly. But then I realized that a simple magnifying glass could probably act as the positive element Mike spoke about. It worked, but I could see a pronounced ghost image around my subject. Could this be because of the low quality of the magnifying glass ($1 special even though it is made of glass) or the lack of anti-reflective coating or both? Any thoughts on where to find a simple, large (4") well made glass lens with an AR coating? Thanks!</p>


  2. <p>Thank you Patrick and Larry for your info--it was very helpful. I'm starting to wonder if maybe my lens is not "all there." I also thought I should be able to see an image around 24" behind the lens, but when I tried your suggestion there's nothing there--in focus or not. When I look through other lenses in my odd assortment of LF lenses, the image looks heavily "jumbled", but when I look through this lens, it looks like I'm looking through a pair of minimally corrected eyeglasses. Is that typical for a 24" lens? I kind of thought that the image would be harder to recognize when just looking through the lens. It doesn't look like there's anything missing from the lens, but maybe there is and that's the problem. (The front optic is about 4" in diameter, the rear optic is about 3.5" in diameter, and the front to back distance from the front to rear optic is about 2"--is that about right for 24" Tessar design?)<br>

    Thanks again to both of you for your replies.</p>

  3. <p>It's not on a camera yet--I'm planning on building a camera around it. I'm trying to test the lens by building a mini-darkroom (think film changing bag) around it and projecting the image on to a piece of translucent paper. This method has worked for me with everything from magnifying glasses to 12" LF lenses, but I can't get it to work with this lens. Thanks for asking for clarification.</p>
  4. <p>I've recently started experimenting with old lenses, and I just bought this B&L aero tessar, but I can't find the projected image anywhere. I've never had a lens with this long of a focal length, so that could be the problem. I haven't been able to find an image anywhere out to about 4 feet from the lens. Am I missing something? I tried searching the archives, but found nothing. Any input would be appreciated.<br>



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