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Posts posted by michael_barsness

  1. <p>I had a d200 and purchased a d700 because I was tired of noisy pictures at ISO's greater than 100. The d300 may have improved on noise performance but its simply not nearly as good as a d700. The single biggest reason for buying a d700, in my humble opinion, is crystal clear pictures. </p>
  2. <p>Since you talk about both negatives and digital copies, do you have negatives of 1-4.jpg? and all the rest of the pictures? If the photographer took pictures with film and then scanned the pictures to provide you with digital copies, the scanner may have been dirty. (The marks in the pictures look like there was dried liquid on the lens or the scanner.) If film was used originally (as opposed to a digital camera), you should be able to get the negatives printed (and rescanned at higher resolution). A photo processing store should be able to look at the negatives for you to see if the marks are present in the negatives or just the digitized versions.<br>

    If some of the pictures were taken digitally, someone might be able to rescue those pictures to a large extent using digital processing software. (I know that's a little technical.)</p>

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