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Posts posted by wayne_a._derby

  1. <p>Franz:</p>

    <p>My point exactly. I live in a tourist area and all three of our business's, photography, guiding, and internet freeze dried foods, are affected by this downturn. People are afraid of what the current government policies are and what they bode for the future and are not spending because of what they see going on now and what they see coming from Obama's present course. People with government background are often not entrepreneurial, at least not good one's and have no true understanding of what their policies and actions do to the everyday people. Often the outlook of government people is "we have to study this" instead of seeing what is there and making decisions that deal with it like a business person would. In almost all cases government is the problem not the answer.<br>

    In our tourist area generally speaking room rentals/condos etc and all of the business that depend on the tourist trade are off on the low end @ 30% up to about 50%. The government and government thinkers just don't get it.</p>


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  2. <p>Gerry:<br>

    "Perhaps a barter economy is one survival remedy. I do a portrait of the family. You install a fuel filter and plugs in my car or patch my driveway. That kind of stuff. But the State can't tax that I think. And that is not recovery. Damn."</p>

    <p>The road to recovery is not paved with more tax dollars, but a ways to put more money into peoples hands long term. More taxes does not do this, never mind the inflation that is due to come down the road. I do not mind paying my fair share of taxes but + 40% is no longer a fair share. I also do not mind helping the needy as we try to contribute to charities as we can afford. However I am totally opposed to helping the clueless and lazy, there have become to many of those! Since this has become such an interesting discussion with you, will please explain to me why I must pass drug test in order to work and earn money to be taxed on, but the people that those taxes are give to in the name of social welfare and engineering do not have to take a drug test to receive assistance. Seems to me turn about is only fair play. Or will the gov. & liberals come up with some inane reason of why they are deserving without it ?</p>

    <p>Excellent suggestion on the bartering. The trick is to get fair value for each service. That way it is up to the idividuals & not the gov.</p>

  3. <p>Gerry:<br>

    Nice Photo.<br>

    You missed the point, or I could not have explained it well enough, either way it is obvious that it was not accurately taken.. I acknowledged the faults of the past administration. What I was pointing out that in addition to that this present administration has spent more money in his first 100 days than all administrations previously in the history of the USA. I do not know about where you are in Hawaii but in this part of the country people were nervous before that happened and now they are down right scared as they see friends, family and neighbors loosing jobs, houses etc. and the constant talk in this "liberal" state is how there is too much money being spent by all of government now, by both the administration and the congress. Ninety percent of the people I run into are really, really scared about the future right now. They are cutting back on all things never mind the point I was making of cutting back on nonessential spending like photography. I was trying to illustrate some economic reasons for peoples changing spending habits. My Photography is only one of our three business's that is down as are the other two. The business that I see that are busy are putting themselves out of business because the are charging so little money that they are actually loosing money.<br>

    I also point out to them that they asked for what is being spent now and they have to live with what they asked for. Where is that money going to come from? You, me, our kids and grand kids etc, people know it and are pulling in their horns now instead of latter. The bottom line is that the economy is a large factor in effecting peoples spending habits. You can lead a horse to water but you can not make him drink. You can make fantastic photographic art but you can not make them by.<br>

    Now if you would please, be careful about who you say my boy is or was. I never indicated that I supported one party over another. I tried to point out the foibles of both. Personally I think that they are all to blame and should be held accontiable. I would dare to venture that if one could not see the fault of all, present and past, then I would tend to agree with you that we are living in the " Photo Twilite Zone ". Like that Photo.</p>

  4. <p>Good Day All.<br>

    I believe that the culprit is the economy, and there are many economic indicator that reflect that fact.<br>

    While we were in this recession late in the Bush administration this guy obama is financially sinking this country for generations to come. He told the country himself that he wanted to spread the wealth and that is what he is doing with his stimulus package, omnibus package, cap & trade, socialized medicine. People are down right scared right now. Most people with a brain know that the country is broke and those politicians keep spending what we do not have. While in theory many of these programs and bills sound good the cold hard reality is how are they going to be paid for. Higher taxes on all of us is the answer. The top 5% do not have the income to pay for all of these programs, & that is reality.<br>

    The general public is trending towards spending on necessities not so much on things like luxuries such as photographic art. So get use to it. If you voted for this guy or any of the liberally spending congress and are now upset you have nothing to complain about. They told you what they were going to do before you voted for them. If you voted for people that have a brain and can say no once in awhile then you have the right to complain.<br>

    Another thing to consider is what someone is charging for their work. Just to sell something for the sake of selling something is not good business. As most of us know you have to see value in your work and charge accordingly. You have to have work that the average person taking pictures can not produce. To many time I have heard people say of my work, oh I could do that when I and many others know they can not. However just remember the general populous is often a flock of sheep that are dumber than a box of rocks.</p>


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