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Posts posted by briankelley

  1. <p>Hello all.</p>

    <p>I am kind a new to the business side of photography and have a question about use of images. My focus has shifted recent an now I am working with several models to build my portfolio. The other day I got together with a model and we agreed in a trade for pics arrangement since she is also wanting to build her portfolio. I spent several hours editing the images and processing them and sent them off to her. Next thing I know she had posted them on a modeling page with no credit and also she had further edited many of the images further. This bothered me some what. <br>

    <br />What I want to know is am I over reacting here Should I just let it go and chock it up to lesson learned or should I ask her to pull the images and post the ones I provided unedited and with credit?</p>

    <p>To further poor salt in the proverbial wound. She keeps emailing me saying that I am not giving her all the images. Now the is true cause I do not give every image from a shoot. I only give the ones I feel are good and can the rest. she is saying that there was several of them that she saw when looking over my shoulder at my laptop as I was downloading them that she liked and I'm not giving them to her.</p>

    <p>I appreciate your input and feed back all.</p>


    Brian Kelley</p>


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