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Posts posted by zak_nyberg

  1. <p>I had what I thought was this same problem with my K2000. I thought it was my Sigma 70-300, as it was only doing it with that lens attached. Sent the lens back and they said it was fine. Then it started happening with other non-Pentax lenses. Then my kit lenses. Send the camera back to Pentax and they replaced the main board. Got it back and no dice. Sent it in again to Pentax and they replaced the aperture control unit, now all my lenses are operating as they should. I would take above posters advice and find another body to test it on, I would have saved 4 weeks of hassle if I had not sent in a perfectly working lens for repair...</p>

    <p>Good Luck!</p>

  2. <p>I have the same lens, and I would second the advice to check it on another camera, I just spent the past month on a "Sigma send-back nightmare"! Firstly, similar problems. Second, I sent it back. Third, they spent three weeks deciding it was fine. Fourth, they shipped it back to Colorado (I live in Utah). So, five weeks later, I still don't have my perfectly good working lens, and have no idea when it will make it back to NY so they can send it back to Utah. Ughhh.I <br>

    Good luck! </p>


  3. <p>Like many digital Pentaxians, I too cut my teeth on Pentax film. My mom's bought-for-college K1000 was always lying around, and I used up a lot of film. Having an artist for a mother meant that she was more than willing to let me explore my artistic vision, and foot the bill for countless rolls of useless film. When I heard that the K1000 and it's lenses were sold to buy a point and shoot digital camera, I mourned it's loss. Fast forward 17 years and here I am with a K2000. Though I am ready to upgrade to the K-7 already, the little K2000 makes me happy, and more importantly, I feel like I have come home.</p>
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