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Posts posted by elaine_smith2

  1. <p>I have been doing photography for several years in my spare time, and have recently started doing it on a more professional level. Personally I just used walmarts photolab to develop my pictures since most of them were in the 4 x 6 size. I bought a digital SLR recently, and would like to know a good professional photo lab to use. Do different labs really make a big difference in how printed pictures look, or are they all relatively the same? Also, when uploading a raw file I cannot get my pictures in certain sizes. I shot a wedding, and the client ordered several 8 x 10's, and the entire picture wouldn't fit into the frame. Is there any way to fix this? Thank you in advance for any advice anyone can give me.</p>
  2. <p>I hope you don't mind getting advice from me since I've only done two weddings myself. While I know I'm not the best wedding photographer in the world, I can say my clients were very happy with their pictures. I absolutely LOVE taking pictures, but as my first wedding approached I felt myself becoming very nervous, and less confident about doing it. I had no professional with me, and knew I would be all on my own. When I actually started shooting pictures I got so into it that I became calm. You say you're not a professional, but you're confident in your abilities as a shooter. Have faith...you can produce professional pictures, and you will. I personally don't think you should spend too much time watching the more experienced wedding photographer because you may miss out on the perfect shot. Just do what you've always done as a shooter, and "word of mouth" may get you your next job. Good luck!!</p>
  3. <p>I hope you don't mind getting advice from me since I've only done two weddings myself. While I know I'm not the best wedding photographer in the world, I can say my clients were very happy with their pictures. I absolutely LOVE taking pictures, but as my first wedding approached I felt myself becoming very nervous, and less confident about doing it. I had no professional with me, and knew I would be all on my own. When I actually started shooting pictures I got so into it that I became calm. You say you're not a professional, but you're confident in your abilities as a shooter. Have faith...you can produce professional pictures, and you will. I personally don't think you should spend too much time watching the more experienced wedding photographer because you may miss out on the perfect shot. Just do what you've always done as a shooter, and "word of mouth" may get you your next job. Good luck!!</p>
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