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Image Comments posted by jwknights



    Jim Downs, I honestly give a shit less about your uneducated rant on the gun culture. I was taught growing up that if you had nothing nice to say, then say nothing. However, I am a strong advocate of our Constitution and have no issues with your right or my right to free speech. I've got 23 years of military service; my life has been surrounded by weapons. Special Operations, Special Reaction Teams, Bodyguards for Military High Risk Personnel, Hell, my last duty assignment was in Saudi Arabia as an advisor to King Abdullah’s security. I came from a “not so well to do” family but I worked hard strived to be the best I could. Years of seeing death and destruction, I now find peace in creating beauty. But even so, I am a Strong Gun Advocate, I’ve already begun instructing my 4 year old on proper gun safety, because I proudly exercise my God given right to own guns. Accidents with weapons happen; hence I do everything possible to negate the occurrence of an accident especially for my sons. I do not and will not force an opinion on them. I give them all the information, good and bad about weapons and as they get older they have the right to choose for themselves. Accidents involving guns happen and are extremely unfortunate. I would go even further to say the majority of so called “accidents” are the result of incompetence. It is idiots like you who out of a well intended desire to create a world without guns create an atmosphere where many good people are left defenseless and are badly injured or killed. The media jumps on the bad stories about guns while disregarding the good stories. The media reports bad stories about guns to specifically incite strong emotions which only create more follow on stories. Again I give a shit less of your thoughts on guns, however, if by chance you are ever (God Forbid) in a life threatening situation where the bad guy has a weapon because they give a shit less about laws and you are defenseless because you strongly feel that guns are objects of evil and should be totally outlawed. I sincerely hope and pray there is good people close by with a legal or illegal weapon that will assist you. But please, save your rant for that man who saved you.

    Best Regards

    Joseph Knights


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