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Posts posted by sagar_kulkarni1

  1. <p>Hello experts,</p>

    <p>I am planning to visit Seattle area from jul 1 to jul 7 and plannnig to spend Jul 4 at friends house in Seattle. I have on my agenda to visit Cascades, Mt. Rainer and Olympic National Parks during this visit.</p>

    <p>I plan to visit as many good photo spots as possible. Any suggestions on how I should approach this vacation given the time I have on hands? Also if you think that I cannot do all 3 NPs in this trip, can you suggest how to approach the remaining NPs and the locations to visit at each?</p>

    <p>Also any specific lens I should carry? I plan to shoot a lot of Nature/Landscape shots.</p>

    <p>Really appreciate your inputs.</p>


    Sagar Kulkarni</p>

  2. <p>Hi All,<br>

    I am travelling to New York city on weekly basis for business and want to photograph the city in the evenings after work(typically after 6.30/7 PM). I wanted your advices on what all areas I can shoot, explore - can be touristy/not so touristy, any particular places at sunset time, which areas to avoid after dark etc. I will be travelling to the city possibly till mid december and wanted to get the most of my there. I have already shot New Jersesy skyline from Battery Park area. Next week I'm planning to take shots of downtown Manhattan from Brooklyn side - Any particular area I can be to get the best shots? most of the time, I will have a wide angle 12-24, a mid range zoom and a tripod. I would really appreciate your input.<br>

    Thanks in Advance.<br>


  3. <p>Hello there!</p>

    <p>I will be travelling to Acadia National Park during Memorial Day weekend. I am arriving into Boston on 5/26 night and departing Boston on 5/31. I have full 4 days to do travel and photograph. Acadia National Park is the primary destination i want to visit.</p>

    <p>I wanted some advice on how I can plan my visit - the places to stay, best places and times to photograph etc. I am also thinking about staying in Boston area for half a day - full day to take roam around and take pictures.</p>

    <p>Your suggestions are appreciated in Advance!!</p>



  4. <p>Hello,<br>

    I am planning to visit Yellowstone and Teton in the first week of October(10/3 - 10/11) - Althought the weather is going to be chill, thats the only time i'm able to get some time off.<br>

    I have questions regarding must see locations for photography (animals viewing areas as well as scenic locations) in both these places, the best timinings, Lenses I should be carrying. Right now, I have 11-16 tokina, Nikon 18-200 kit lens and will be renting sigma 50-500.<br>

    Also how could i plan my 7-8 days trip between Teton and Yellowstone and where can I stay - My guess is I'd need to change places atleast couple of times in order to be at the desired sites at sunrise, sunsets. in park lodging might be closed so would be staying outside the park?<br>

    I will appreciate your suggestions / comments.<br>

    My flight plans are flexible - I can think of landing in Jackson or any other place which would be convinient for my entire trip.</p>

    <p>Thanks in advance.<br>



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