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Image Comments posted by michael_maddox_france



    The exposure in this image is spot-on.  Perfect illumination on the bride's face.  The veil has a good amount of detail on it.  The pose of the bride could've used some work, though, mainly in the face.  The nose is poking out with this pose, which doesn't look good considering her face is turned at an angle towards the camera.  It makes the nose look quite a ways bigger than it probably is.


    Overall, this is a great image; one that should've been featured in the promotional poster that you'd posted earlier on.


    Grace and Peace, and Happy Shooting!



    This is pretty cool.  Airshows almost always photograph well, espcially if you cna get fairly close to the action.   The smoke trails are captured well in this photo, but my main gripe is the aircraft.  They're a bit too dark, they almost fade into the dark blue of the sky.



    It took a few seconds to figure out what was going on in the photo.  Usually, I don't like hard lighting and blown out highlights, but it really helps to add mystery to this photo.  Good job. :D


    My only criticism is that I think the lamp could've been moved out of the composition.

    Puppet Master


    This is pretty cool.  The only way I think this image could be improved (IMO) is if you had wires hanging from the ceiling and attached to the puppet master, as if to illude to him being puppetted.

    Florida Round-Up


    This is a pretty good image, though I believe it would have been beneficial to get a little closer to the cattle and the dog doing the corralling.

  1. This is a beautiful image that you have here.  The tones look all natural and the lighting is absolutely perfect.  I love the composition. 

    With regards to the lighting, again, I love it.  I had the hardest time for a few minutes trying to figure out just how you did it.  I figured that the light was coming from one side, but it looked too...hmm, how to say this... uneven(?) to be from a speedlight.  It also looked to soft for that, in my opinion.  It wasn't until you pointed out that you took this in the Japanese garden of a Shinto temple (I've heard those place look very nice during the spring) that I was able to understand.  I've always believed that the best light you can ever use is from the giant star that hovers over our skies (try to ignore the scientific inaccuracy of that statement. lol)

    Again, this is a lovely photo.  I'll check out some more of your work and comment where I can.


    D'Mike :D

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