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Posts posted by adam_patterson1

  1. <p>Matt</p>

    <p>thanks for this. </p>

    <p>1) its need to be up to publication standard.<br>

    2) could range - from books to helmets, flags etc<br>

    3) i have a car so this isnt too big an issue<br>

    4) not interested in this - my other photographic work is not lit and much more observational.</p>


  2. <p>what is the best portable option for photographing a range of objects consistently - ie. portable white box? i am working on a project where i will be in peoples homes and needing to document some of their posessions - probably best strictly white background. </p>


    <p> </p>

  3. <p>

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    <p>I need to get a radio mic to use with my canon 5d MK II.<br>

    Does anyone know if you can use them in different countries. i live in the uk but am heading to canada and the LA later this month. i have seen one for sale but need to be sure i can use it outside the uk – ie. the sennheiser EW 112-p g2 830 – 866 MHz.<br>

    any advice welcome<br>








  4. <p>Can someone give me some feedback on their experiences with wide-angle lenses on a hassy 500 system? For example how bad is the distortion with a 40mm etc? I have a body with standard 80mm but, as a handheld documentary shooter I am seeking something wider for interiors and such,</p>



  5. <p>i have a series of night shots taken with with canon 5d mk II on AWB which have come out with a hideous yellow colour casting that I cannot seem to correct. I have tried fixing it in raw with temperature, hue etc and in photoshop cs4 with curves (marking white, grey and black points) and manually with colour balance, selective colour etc...<br>

    i am yet to even get close to the original colours and am desperately in need of advice?</p>

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