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Posts posted by james_lagden

  1. <p>Perhaps it was a premature purchase. Most people progress to the "Pro" bodies when they are ready to use them. From the sound of things, you are not ready for this sort of body yet.<br>

    Having said that, it won't take long to get used to using a DSLR without that green mode. Learn Aperture Priority, then switch to Shutter priority and then full Manual. Time and patients will pay off.<br>

    As for exposure compensation, that can be your best friend in a hurry.<br>

    first thing I would have done with this camera upon purchase (considering it's a second hand body) would be to do a factory reset. If you haven't done that you might find you are shooting all of your pictures tagged with the previous owners copyright.</p>

  2. <p>Ok, so perhaps my leave your camera at home comment wasn't that helpful, but do you really need help with what type of bag to choose?<br>

    <br /> If you were asking if lowprow bags are more waterproof than tamrac or how much gear can I fit in a Crumpler 7 million dollar Home bag, then your question would have been more valid (in my opinion).<br>

    <br /> Whilst the best advice I could give you is to go and try a bag for comfort and size (remember to take your camera gear with you to see if it will fit in the bag), remember that your camera gear will probably outgrow the bag you think you need.<br>

    <br /> <em>"I like the convenience of being able to stow your camera quickly and being able to access it quickly. However, I also like to change lenses often and don't know which bag would be best for this."</em> <br /> <br /> If you like to be able to stow your camera quickly, get a shoulder bag.<br /> If you want to change your camera lenses often then consider what you need to do in the process. Avoid having the lens off the camera for a prolonged period of time whilst trying to juggle a camera and two lenses. I would just put the bag on the ground, therefore it doesn't matter what bag you have.<br>

    <br /> <em>"When you walk around on vacation, do you use a backpack?"</em><br>

    I own a backpack and a shoulder bag so it depends on the environment, the weather and how often I would use the camera.<br /> <br /> <em></em><br>

    <em>"Also, do you generally keep your camera around your neck and stow it when you know you're done photographing?"</em><br>

    If my camera is out of the bag it is usually in my hand. You can apply the previous answer to this question.<br>

    <br /> <em>"Do you use the black rapids strap or a hand strap?"</em><br>


    <br /> Oh, while I'm here, john tanner's comment made me laugh! Criticising someone for being rude and insulting and then implying they have mental health issues.</p>

  3. <p>It would be more helpful if you were to give the settings when this occurs.<br>

    The 5DMkII performs best at 1/50 exposure when shooting PAL and 1/60 for NTSC.<br>

    When you say "It seems to skip when it tries to adjust the brightness of the video", it would suggest you are not shooting with a fixed exposure and the camera is compensating for light/dark spots by adjusting exposure. try using a fixed ISO also and put your camera on a tripod, locked off. Do remember the 5DMkII isn't a handycam, but more like a pro video camera.<br>

    What memory card are you using, is it a fast UDMA one?</p>

  4. <blockquote>Not trying to contradict you but I am not sure I follow. On the Fujica, I stopped down the lens to f4 and f8 and the VF does get darker. At f4, the Fujica is darker than the 5D Mk-II screen but isn't that because the 5D Mk-II uses a plain matte screen and the Fujica uses a microprism+split-prism screen?</blockquote>

    <p>The canon will focus wide open until you press the shutter.</p>


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