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Image Comments posted by bruced530



    Fabulous shot, almost has a 3 dimensional feel to it.

    Would it be possible to post your camera settings as far as shutter speed and aperture. I have always wondered how this look is achieved.



    Nice image,love the sound of these,they sound like there going to rip your ears right off ! Took a look at your other aircraft images as well,some really nice shots in there, especially that Liberator.

    If I could add one thing though I would try and run these through a noise program,although it could be just the size limit they have on the images here too.

    I've always found neat image to do a god job without losing too much detail.

    Flowers look terrific too !



    You just have to love Fall,this shot is great,great composition,but I must say it just begs for some HDR treatment. Especially in the top left,where the highlights deinatly look blown out quite a bit.

    Its a keeper thats for sure.

    All At Sea


    Alf I must say this is one great shot.Not sure If you familiar with Robert Taylor or not ,but he does great paintings and drawings of WW2 aircraft and ships as well.take a look at some of his prints and you'll see your sky is a perfect match.

    Very envious of this I must say !


  1. being into HDR images myself I really like this one.It looks very natural,and i always like the extra little detail that HDR brings out.Did you do 3 or 5 shots?

    I still have a lot of trouble in the sky area looking very grainy.

    A great shot.BTW how is the LX-3 as far as auto bracketing? Will it do 3 shots seperated by 2 EV? That little camera is impressing quite a few people.



    Still experimenting with HDR.I must say its a fine line between

    going "over the top" with HDR.Blurring photograph with an

    almost "painted" look is something I really like,but at the same time I

    like things to have a "natural" look to them.

    Maybe its about developing a certain "style". I'm still trying.Some

    images lend themselves well to this style and some don't.

    I hope you enjoy this image as much as I did making it.

    NY Skyline


    Still learning the ropes on HDR.I've probably done about 25 so far using

    Photoshop CS3 and Photomatix.

    Let me know what you think.Still trying to find a home for my images

    too,If you have any suggestions.So far the size limit seems to be the

    biggest thing.I figured 1024 x 768 would yireld a good image online,but

    I'm not sure.

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