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Image Comments posted by eric_koegler


    Great composition. Consistent elements of time, aging, weathering. Maybe an ineffective human attempt to stop inevitable erosion of landscape with old, rustic, dilapidated fence. Quietly highlighted cross, erected as permanently as possible on an ancient rock. Maybe not 'technically proper' with blown out highlights, but that doesn't affect me in the least. The IR contrast and radical tonal scale add to the time, aging and weathering. Very appropriate. I can see how this scene could have been approached with many different choices, but I very much appreciate this artist's approach. I think a less radical approach could have been beautiful as well, but I suspect I would still end up liking this one more. I really like this picture. Thanks for sharing.
  1. Great! Nice dash of green grass to offset the blue/gray ocean. Nice alignment of the flowing fence. I like how the color and shapes of the birds plays off of the clouds and mitigates the perfectly centered horizon. And, of course, it's cool how the birds look simultaneously orchestrated and unconcerned. On my personal preference wish list, I would have liked to see the first bird in focus, even if it would have sacrificed the distance focus. Although, I do like the distant fence posts being exactly as out of focus as they are. It would have been nice to have a bit more mid-range exposure latitude/contrast/vibrance in the sky and clouds, and a touch more brilliance on the birds. The black touches on the birds (eyes, tails, and parts of fence) create a nice foundation on the dark end of the spectrum, but I would have liked more vibrant white in the birds. Can't tell if the exposure gives you the ability to adjust. Main conclusion is that this is a great picture, great subject (probably won't have another chance to take this one), and great composition.
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