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Posts posted by john_bullock3

  1. <p>well thank you all for advice, im going to go ahead and buy a flash and cord and just try handheld for a while. but one more thing, the cheapest canon flash, does it allow you to go past 200 on your shutter speed?</p>
  2. <p>i am very interested in macro, however i have never made one good macro shot. my main interest is in insects.<br /> i use a canon rebel xt 8mp(is this enough to crop if needed?)<br /> and a canon 100mm f/2.8, non IS version.<br /> and use on camera flash at times.</p>

    <p>i have seen that people use extension tubes, do you use them all at once? or what goes on there.<br /> and also about flash, could i buy a speedlite, or do i need the canon macro ring flash, or twin flash.</p>

    <p>i am not trying to buy my way into macro photography, i just simply need to know if this equipment is essential to getting great results. or if i just need to check my technique.</p>

  3. <p>so ive read for portraits with girls their shoulders should never be straight across, but what if you want a photo of her from directly in front from waiste up, and her face foward, does the model need to un align her shoulders i guess you'd say, even if it might look a little akward, or should you just move to a slight side angle</p>
  4. <p>I have always wanted to try out nude photography, not in studio, but outdoors with landscapes, buildings in the background, etc.... my question is for people who do nude photography, how do you go about finding models, and in the beginning explaining to them that your practicing, without sounding like just some dude with a camera that just wants her to take her clothes off. i say her because, no offense guys, there is nothing attractive about us lol.</p>
  5. <p>I've done some searches in the forums and can not find an exact answer, maybe im not looking hard enough, so forigive me if this has been discussed a billion times.</p>

    <p>i am looking to get into macro photos. i'll be using the macro lens on a rebel xs. <br>

    i will not be investing in any ring lights or the twin flashes for the macro photos.</p>

    <p>so in my opinion i need good working distance, i have been considering the sigma 180, or the tamron 180, ive owned the canon 100 and it was super sharp, but like i said i want more working distance.</p>

    <p>my budget is around $800, before i purchase any lens, i was wondering if<br>

    A. do i really that much working distance for macro(i will focusing on mainly insects)<br>

    B. if the extra working distance isnt necessary, what about the sigma 105, or tamron 90<br>

    and also a technical question about macro photography, how do people achieve the macro shots on here with insect 100% in focus, is it generally at 1.1 magnification, and good use of d.o.f, or focused from less than 1.1 and then cropped.</p>

  6. <p>Hi, I have been doing some reading on past forums about the canon 50mm 1.4. It sounds like a reasonable lens, however in one forum, someone mentions there is a bend in the resulting photograph with this lens. I was just wondering if this person has bad luck, and maybe their lens was defected, or is this true for all of the 50mm 1.4. Thanks for your time.</p>
  7. <p>2 more things, i think some of you are confused, i dont own any lenses but the 85 1.8, the other ones i have owned, but traded off to keep the cycle going. 2nd, about the language issue, i totally forgot photographers were trying to set a pure and holy example, your all just a bunch of perfect people roaming the earth, as the catholic priest were thought to be.</p>
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