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Posts posted by jacqui1

  1. <p><strong>Fred G </strong>... I agree with you, probably wasn't the right thing to do, but I have to say it felt good putting Timmy in his place! :) </p>

    <p><strong>Gerry </strong>... Lol, no point in sugar coating things, I say it like it is! I'm glad someone else picked up on Timmys' anger issues! </p>

    <p><strong>Timmy </strong>... I've read every post in this thread and other than yours, I see no inane juvenile comebacks, only very valid points from talented and respected photographers. All people have tried to do here is explain to you how Alfs image and title came about, but all you seemed to have fixated on is the crutch and the notion that Alf has made the man in the image to be something he isn't.....making it your moral duty to bring it to the attention of anyone who cares to read your inane comments that Alf has in some way wronged this man.....tell me Timmy....do you KNOW this for definite?.... NO.... didn't think so! We can all make judgements, form opinions, express our point of view, however, none of us are in possession of the facts....not even you! The way you have repeatedly attempted to persecute Alf is bordering on obsessional and the only logical reason I can assume you have continued to do this, is jealousy, it's as plain as the apple in your mouth Timmy :) </p>

  2. <p><strong>Tim</strong>...I have entered this conversation at a late stage so please forgive me. I have now read the previous posts and traced it back to Alf's stunning image that was discussed as the recipient of POTW. A great debate and a very well deserved accolade!</p>

    <p>To my mind the conversation has steered away from the "category" that Alf posted his image under, to the ethics of taking a photo of a handicapped person (even though it has never been determined, as far as I can see, that the person in the photograph is indeed even handicapped!) to a more recent remark in this thread that questions Alfs talent.</p>

    <p>Tim, some words of advice.....never judge a book by it's cover and we all know what assumption is huh!? </p>

    <p>Although I cannot be as articulate or as knowledgeable as <strong>Fred G</strong> in my response, I can, and do completely agree with his analysis of Alfs talent.</p>

    <p>I do feel it is only fair, that when someones talent is bought into question over a single photograph, then the bigger picture has to looked at, to get a better idea of their work and as a photographer. I have seen a lot of Alfs work on PN and have to say I am truly impressed with his work, so much so that I did a bit more research and discovered Alf has won several competitions, including a place in the Sony World Photographic awards..... two years running!</p>

    <p>In balance, I thought it was only fair to then take a look at the work of the person making the accusations and questioning the talent of another photographer....</p>

    <p><strong>Tim </strong>.... I am by no means an expert photographer, but then I don't think I need to be to express my likes, dislikes and opinions. Having looked through your Portfolio Tim, I'm left speechless, much like the other numerous viewers who may have paused to view your work and not commented. Your images left me unmoved and quite frankly bored. I see nothing among your images that has captured feeling, emotion, atmosphere or the imagination! Your obsession with yourself on the other hand, speaks volumes, it speaks of a self centered, egotistical bigot that can only inflate his own ego with so called comments from nameless faceless professors that told you that you have talent ..... I have news for you Timmy, they lied.....big time!</p>

    <p>My research also revealed that Alf took up photography some 6 years ago ..... seems like he has learned more in that time span than you have in a lifetime!</p>

    <p>I , and likely others in this forum would have a lot more respect for you if you didn't try to "big yourself up" with spurious claims of being talented, why not take a lesson from Alf and the greater part of the photographic community and let your images do the boasting!</p>

    <p>In the meantime Tim, keep mentioning Alfs name and his photo, although he appears already quite well known, I'm sure he will appreciate the further publicity :) </p>

    <p> </p>

  3. <p>Hi all</p>

    <p>I thought I would come and air my views to the changes to the "home page"...... I would like to have been asked if I wanted to be inundated with images I have not chosen to look at!..... I am all for change too, if it's for the better,but in this instance, it isn't! I am more than capable of seeking out these images if I so desire...I don't need them thrust upon me. I wonder if PN have ever heard the expression "If it isn't broke, don't try and fix it". I hope PN listens to their members and for those who don't want their home page changed, can have it reverted back to its original state. I also think Alf Bailey raised a very valid point re his grandchildren and maybe having unwelcome nudes popping up at inopportune moments.<br>

    I look forward to a response from a PN admin :)</p>

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