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Image Comments posted by graemebulluss



    Hi Megan,

    Lovely shot.  Colours are great, the reflection and stillness of the water is almost eerie.  Overall great.  The only thing I find is that the horizon line being on an angle like that makes me feel like it's falling over somehow.  I find it a bit disturbing.  Otherwise really nice.

  1. Hi Brad,

    What a wonderful capture of the moment.  The man's face, even from the little you can see, seems to be saying he is so happy to be there and you sense he is drawing her in to him, whilst the woman seems to be saying the opposite.  Her facial expression and her eyes are saying "get me out of here" and her hand, not being placed firmly on her dance partner echo these thoughts.  Great storytelling image.  And composition and lighting and DOF all great as well.

    Brilliant photo of human behaviour.



    I dont think it matters whether she's pregnant or not.  I think it's a nice shot Mark.  Very natural.  I do find the tattoo or mark on your leg a little distracting, to me it distracts from the shadow line down her leg.  Otherwise really nice shot Mark.

    Paper read


    Hi John,

    Great image.  It has a wonderful depth to it that makes me feel like I can step into it.

    And I want to know more.  Is it his bike?  What's behind the door? etc.  It says so much and says so little all at the one time.

    Love the crop, the fact that the man takes up so little of the frame but is still clearly the main character in the image (to me anyway).

    Colors are fabulous, the starkness of the walls and street highlight that fantastic red.

    Really like it.

  2. Hi John,

    I find the criticism of your photo quiet bizzare.  It is certainly not porn and not offensive.  Had you set the shot up with models and made an image of something unreal to represent your image, maybe it becomes porn.  But this image to me is a representation of life, of human behaviour.  I cannot understand how anyone can say it degrades women, when the woman in the photo chose to be there and invited those around her to view her as such.

    I find it an interesting depiction of human behaviour and speaks volumes about the people in the photo and their attitudes to themselves and to others.  I make no comment about whether I agree with their attitudes and/or actions.

    Thanks for sharing, as a newbie to photography I fully embrace the notion that photography should record all of our human behaviour, attitudes and actions.

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