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Posts posted by coolmotions

  1. <p>Thanks for your info ! It says MD nikon and on the cover its Nikon F-mount. Anyway, I can put a vivitar lens and minolta lens on de d5100.<br>

    I put a first shot with my minolta 50mm 1.2 lens, mounted on de 5100. Shot taken hands on, light from outside and a unwillig kid ! The aperture and shutterspeed I don't know, just tried it and looked on the little lcd screen the result.<br>

    On the computer I lightened the image a little bit.<br>



  2. <p>I figured it out: I have to use manual configuration, so manual shutterspeed and manual aparture....<br>

    Got those lenses yesterday so I really have to take my time to adjust myself again to basic photography<br>

    Thanks Shun and Wouter for taking your time to reply.<br>

    Regards Marcel</p>

  3. <p>Thanks Brian. I'm still questioning myself how to price my work. It also depends how they want it presented: dibond, acryl print e.g and what size. Too cheap, is devaluating my "artistic" efforts, to expensive will scare people of as a not renown "photograph artist" Saying that, I realize I have to be less modest or humble towards my work and I have to put more effort in promotion....<br>

    I started a facebook account last week. I was a bit reluctant because of Facebooks policy to use photographs for their own purpose or advertising..</p>

  4. <p>Lets give you a respons as non-professional, as for you work, non-professionals will judge it and maybe want it or not.<br>

    I took a glimps at your website and I liked it, liked it a lot. Easy navigation, portfolio like features. No fuzz, just the pictures. <br>

    I like the style of your work, its recognizable. The way of processing, composition, uniques looks. I think its important that you have your own unique style and stick to it. Don't forget, its a matter of taste and maybe fashion.<br>

    If I were a student right now, I defenitely wanted you to make my picture.<br>

    I wish you all the luck with your business. Marcel</p>

  5. <p>Thanks for your advices ! After more than 6 months the site is still on construction and everytime I find something new to try. For the subject "cars" I just finished another slider e.g. Edward, if you use the FS buttom on the rightcorner, you get bigger images. But indeed, maby I need my images even bigger. And,Jeff, the day before yesterday I actually got the banner from Photonet to put on my link page....<br>

    My intention however is not to sell my work on the internet but to make people familiar with my work. I've made a shoot in a car-museum, processed the shot my way and I'm trying to get them interested for an expo, for postcards or posters in their museum store etc. I contact the manager and he can "judge" my work on my website.<br>

    12 images of the planes gallery I sold to the militairy aviation museum after an exposition....<br>

    I guess I'll update my site now and then, using different kinds of slider, galleries, albums and layouts..... And change the photographs into new ones.<br>

    But I do need good ideas, so......<br>

    Much regards, Marcel</p>

  6. <p>Dear Fellow Photographers....<br>

    Totally new to website design I decided last year to create one with wordpress to bring my work to life on the internet, next to getting registred as a bussines. I don't have to live from photography but getting appreciation by selling some of my work would be very nice.<br>

    I wanted a basic design, with some flash and nice photosliders to get the dimension.<br>

    www.coolmotions.nl is my first attemp, finished after more than 6 months.....<br>

    Since I highly regard your expertise, your pictures tell the tale, I would appreciate it if you guys can give me some feedback on this first attempt and maybe you have good suggestions.<br>

    Yours, Marcel Koelen</p>

  7. <p>Last year I made some pictures of planes in the Dutch Militairy Aviation Museum. Did some processing, contacted the museum and arranged my first expostion ever ! Even more, the museum bought all the pictures from the exposition for their own collection.<br>

    Thinking off the future I got myself a taxnumber, a name by the chambre of commerce and started a little business off my own.<br>

    My wife love selling things so we decided to make postcards of my pictures and try to sell them in the local stores. She has a lucky hand of always being the right time on the right spot meeting the right people. Now we are selling cards in a few shops and a national book and officestore chain is interested.<br>

    My wife is the bussineswoman, I'm the "artistic" guy. And its true, being a businessman is leathal for your creativity so most serious photographers do need someone to take care off the official side off the business.<br>

    At this moment we both have a fulltime job so we don't have to live from my photographs. Its still small and we only invested a small amount of money.<br>

    What I want to say is : Just do It ! Make it happen. Don't be encouraged by rejections.</p>


  8. <p>Subscribed years ago but till now I used to be a sleeping user.<br>

    Why? Don't know. Maybe because the quality of the images scared me off.<br>

    I'm Marcel Koelen from the Netherlands, Den Haag. I'm 52. I'm into photography since my childhood. My first camera was a Kodak Brownie.<br>

    In the 70ties I used to develope and print my own black/white pictures using a Canon AV-1, AV1 programme and later a Minolta 7000. Because I couldn't print color images I got a bit frustrated and the camera spent more time in the locker instead off hanging around my neck.<br>

    The introduction off digital camera's gave me inspirational boost and since 6 years I do my stuff with the Sony R1. All the images I'm going to upload are from the Sony. In the back off my mind I'm thinking to buy a new camera one off these days. I like the Nikon 5100; not expensive and good quality pics. With a good lens I'll be in bussiness again.<br>

    At the moment I'm working on a postcard line and the first shops are selling my cards. Mainly I do planes, cars and bikes. But I'm no stranger to landscapes, portraits, architecture too. Last year I had my first succesfull expo.<br>

    Next to photography I'm a registred nurse and work on the Intensive Care Unit.</p>

    <p>If you want to get an impression of my work, please don't hesitate to visit my site: www.coolmotions.nl<br>

    Yours sincerely, Marcel Koelen.<br>

    PS. Forgive me my poor English !</p><div>00az0j-501817684.jpg.8cd44afc3a9bd86000bb0ce0c3c58ff8.jpg</div>

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